FAIL Nation

fast food

Unfortunately, We're Open

drive thru broken fast food - 6926084864
Via Reddit
rage breakfast McDonald's fast food Video fail nation - 65926913

Breakfast Ends at 10:30, and This Makes These People VERY Upset

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Drive-Thru FAIL

drive thru fast food horse Image - 6393666048

Can't Shake Off Those Pounds?

gym workout irony fast food - 8139609856
Via Bits and Pieces
customer service fast food Video fail nation - 58795777

Granny Gets a Surprise on Her Fast Food Receipt

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You Can Taste the Sweet, Greasy Irony

diabetes McDonald's irony fast food fail nation g rated - 8371454720
Via dannyodwyer

KFC's Newest Menu Item? Deep-Fried Towel

food fast food gross fail nation - 8241645056
Via Huffington Post

Taking Your Order FAIL

gross shirt fast food - 6814348544

Tasted Like a Mini Gluten Free Cheese Sandwhich

Tasted Like a Mini Gluten Free Cheese Sandwhich
Via swigswagsweg

Time to Clean FAIL

car dirty fast food Image oh god why trash - 6564068352

A Protein Deficiency Might Explain This Spelling, for Sure

Via Getzen

One Word: FAIL

sign genius fast food - 7133516800

Good Thing I Wore My Sweats! FAIL

fail nation fast food hacked Image McDonald's p33n signs - 5617115392
Created by Unknown

Vegetarian Option FAIL

common sense fast food food Image taco bell - 5853221888
Created by miketoasty

This Kitty Wants a Combo Meal, FAST!

cat what fast food - 7347171840

Drive-Thru FAIL

drive thru fast food Image wheelchairs - 6396681984
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