drive thru

Ahhh the drive-thru. Parent's salvation from not knowing how to cook, and kids salvation how to get themselves absolutely filthy while eating and enjoy every second. If you've ever had a classic drive-thru story, chances are you might find something to relate to.


Dad Never Understood the Point of a "Drive-Thru"

drive thru fail nation g rated - 7241071360

I Can Pay in Pop!

drive thru fast food Image wheelchairs - 6396681984

Drive-Thru FAIL

coffin drive thru fail nation funeral g rated Image McDonald's - 6324123648

Last Meal FAIL


Supersize Your Hangover

drive thru gifs Image McDonald's - 6375119616

Receiving Your Burgers FAIL

Colorado cow drive thru Image McDonald's Probably bad News - 6153649408

Probably Bad News: Cow Takes Revenge

drive thru Video - 40328961

Harassing a Minimum Wage Employee FAIL

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