donald trump

donald trump Video - 84369409

The 'Trumpster' Fire Is Here to Keep You Warm for the Holidays

funny memes, middle class, suburbs, twitter memes, 2020 memes, satire | Randall Otis @RandallOtisTV Podcasters are on cusp transforming into fascist nation country on brink civil war know civil war get hungry why Blue Apron | Man hate this time change @middleclassfancy Haha know gets dark too early Yeah

30 Middle Class Memes For Lighthearted Suburbanites

busted FAIL cnn donald trump reporter new york times Video - 76153857

Donald Trump Ridiculed a Reporter With a Disability, Proving That Donald Trump is a Certified Asshole

funny fail tweet Twitter recommends Rosie ODonnell follow Donald Trump

This 'Who to Follow' Recommendation is a Huuuuge Mistake

tweets by a cartoon version of Donald Trump

Cartoon Donald Trump Live-Tweets Obama's Farewell Speech and It's Even More Ridiculous Than We Could've Hoped For

funny memes donald trump man bun

The Only Possibility Scarier Than Trump's Current Hairdo

FAIL donald trump Video politics hitler - 78571777

These Voters Might Be Ready to Dump Trump and Pledge Support for... Hitler?

Tweets and other fails by Donald Trump in his presidency

Donald Trump's Twitter Account Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

donald trump politics twitter - 919045

Chrissy Teigen Goes off on Trump Spokesperson Katrina Pierson, Who Thinks It's a Compliment

Photoshop battles of trump as a kid

Donald Trump's Baby Picture Just Made Photoshop Battles Great Again

trump electoral map

Eric Trump Sends Out Electoral Map of Men-Only Election Hinting 'Momentum Is on Their Side' and Receives Prompt Mocking from the Internet

Speculation abounds as Donald Trump eyes Melania in the voting booth right next to his

Everyone Has Their Own Theory About Why Donald Trump Was Eyeing Melania's Ballot

trump tweets for St Patrick's day and fails with mispellings and mistakes

People Are Trolling the Shit Out of Donald Trump After His St. Patrick's Day Tweet

fail political image Little miss Flint takes scared PR photo with Donald Trump

Trump Tried to Take a PR Photo With a Little Girl and It Did Not End Up Well

Funny Donald Trump photoshop battle regarding his water drinking.

Donald Trump's Awkward Water Moment Has Inspired A Hilarious Photoshop Battle

funny politics fail woman dies instead of voting in election

Mary Anne Was Morbidly Serious About Not Voting

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