FAIL Nation



concert festival kick - 6149279744

Don't Be This Person at a Concert

ipad concert Music g rated fail nation - 8255576064
Via thequartermexican

Lenny Kravitz's Schlong Jumped Out on Stage to Join Him

Lenny Kravitz Musician Penis Falls Out Concert
Via @GossiplyYours

Using Your Legs For Support FAIL

concert fail nation falling gifs g rated wheelchair - 5509958912

Making An Entrance FAIL

camera concert crane crash gifs headshot Stage - 5464762112
concert justin bieber - 75449345

The Biebs Walks Off The Stage After Repeatedly Asking His Beliebers To Calm TF Down

Sadly it's Been a rough week for me, long days no sleep, while having to be "on" as they would say for cameras fans etc. In no way did I mean to come across mean, but chose to end the show as the people in the front row would not listen. Hopefully people will understand where I am coming from. I don't always handle things the right way but I'm human and I'm working on getting better at responding not reacting. Unfortunately people were affected by this as am I. For the people in the back I am s…
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concert bread Video - 71898369

Lead Singer of Smash Mouth Throws a Fit After Fans Throw Pieces of Bread on Stage

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Your Selfies Are Very, VERY Not Metal

Music gifs concert selfie burn fail nation - 8404605696
Via yourmomcantspell
concert Music ouch Video - 33497089

Following Your Fans FAIL

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