
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

hit school Video - 39472897

Revenge FAIL

ouch chair whoops Video - 62404865

Times Like These Make You Wonder Why We Put Security Cameras in Our Offices

Music Drake Video - 70227457

Madonna Attempted to Suck Out Drake's Life Force at Coachella

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Meanwhile, in Qatar...

Video - 42403073

The Daily What: The FAILs of September

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The Drunkest Man in Australia Takes on an Electric Fence

Damn Nature U Scary hippo oh god why Video fail nation g rated - 67998465

Hippos Are Some of the Most Dangerous Animals in the Wild, and This Video Proves it

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Trampoline Dunking FAIL

FAIL Video - 207111

Shaquille O'Neal Trying to Ride a Mechanical Bull Goes About as Well as You're Imagining

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Mind if I Park My Shack on Top of Your Taxi?

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Even Army Tough Has Its Limits

whoops FAIL Wait For It Video animals - 77827329

What a Good Boy... Oh Wait

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Watching This Famously Venomous Snake Casually Dangle From Girl's Nightlight Legit Just Made My Balls Shrivel Up in Fear

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Technically Parallel Doesn't Count FAIL

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The Real "Hardball" is Getting Chris Matthews to Say the Names of His Correspondents Correctly

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You'll Probably Love the Mochi This Street Seller is Making. Unfortunately, so do THOUSANDS OF BEES