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Celebrate National Cat Day With These Cats That Could Definitely Use a Hand

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From a Tire Change to a Windshield Repair

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Only in Russia: Oh Deer!

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That is One Lucky Lumberjack

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Unicyclists and Turkeys, it's a Rivalry as Old as Time

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Crossfit is the Reason Your Gym Equipment Has Been Messed Up Lately

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Here's Some Criminals Who Are Really Terrible at Their Jobs

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Children, However, Don't Have a Safety

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Snoop Dogg Just Threw Out the Worst First Pitch of 2016

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In Russia, Self-Driving Car Ejects You (and Then Parks Perfectly)

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This Dude Was Not Happy After Seeing a "Homeless" Panhandler Waltz into a Brand New Car

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Four Flat Tires, a Deployed Airbag, and One Very Arrested Drunk Driver

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BURN IT ALL DOWN: It's Raining Spiders in This Infested Building, and We Are All Terrified

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They Say Parenting is All About Surprises

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Here's a Quick Rundown of Who Shouldn't Vote, According to Talking Heads and Pundits

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Watch This Guy Discover What a Cruel Place Ebay Can Be