
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Early Celebration of the Day: Speller 38 from This Year's Scripps Jumps the Gun on the Victory Celebration

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The Easiest Way to Ruin a $300,000 Boat

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This Police Chase Leads to Not One, but TWO Train Collisions

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Another Football Player Injured Himself During a Post-Sack Celebration

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A Russian Leonardo DiCaprio Doppelgänger Leans Hard Into it and Sings 'My Heart Will Go On'

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Snapchat's New Update Comes with a Scare Your Self-ie Option

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Looks Like GTA isn't the Only Time You Can Outrun the Cops

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These Bikers do a Fantastic Lemming Impersonation

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Watching All These First Time VR Users Open Their Gifts and Set Foot Into a New Reality Is the Gift That Keeps on Giving

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Watching People Hyped for The Phantom Menace Will Make You so Nervous for the Force Awakens

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This Dude is Getting a Little too Fancy With His Skis

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When You See a Pogo Stick, You Know Things Are Going to Get Painful Fast

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Forget a Clown Car, This 50-Person Van in China Has it Beat

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This CNN Contributor Maybe Doesn't Quite Understand the Mechanics of Conception and Birth

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Somebody Accidentally Put This Kid on Spin Cycle

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The Bills Kicker Knows How a Monday Back At Work After a Holiday Weekend Always Feels