
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Flying a Drone Over LA's Skid Row, Probably Not the Best Idea

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What do You Do if You Get Attacked by a Bear? Act Ridiculous

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This Idiot Teen Took a Video of Himself Driving Like a Maniac and Causing Traffic Accidents, so of COURSE it Needs to go to Youtube

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This is Not How You Train for the Olympics

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Watch This Complete Lunatic Taste Hell Itself, When He Shatters the Carolina Reaper Pepper Record

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Ba-da-ba-ba-ba I'm Recordin' It

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This Guy's Pizza Hut's 'Grilled Cheese Stuffed Crust' Rant is Exactly What You Needed to Hear Before You Think About Ordering One

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A Very Impressive Ice Skating Car

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Johnny Boy is Not Going to Like This

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Catch Up on All the Fails of This Week!

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This Short Video's Casual Twist Ending Will Have You Watching it Again

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Live Animals and Wedding Photography: A Recipe for Disaster

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So the Dog Really Did Eat Your Homework? Too Bad, Now I Have to Kill You

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Str8 Gurls Touch a Str8 Gurl's Vagina Because This is What the Internet Wants Now

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Get Out of the Way, This Truck is Carrying a Huge FAIL

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When Your Boy Dies at the Pregame but the Squad's Still Lit