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British Teens Try Pick Up Lines on Selena Gomez and She Reveals Her Brush-Off Move

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You'll Probably Love the Mochi This Street Seller is Making. Unfortunately, so do THOUSANDS OF BEES

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The Only Way to Up Your Douche Level on a Hoverboard is to Try a Front Flip

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Prancercise is Back, it is Very Real, and It's Only Gotten More Ridiculous

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Why Did the Pigeon Cross the Road? To Cause a Three-Car Pile Up

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Do You Grind the Rail, or Does the Rail Grind You?

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Eat a Carolina Reaper, the Hottest Pepper? Solid Plan Says This Only 9-Year Old

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One Bunt, Equal Parts WIN and FAIL

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No Video Will Ever Be More Canadian Than This Moose Licking Salt off a Canadian's Snowy Car

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A Genius Criminal Attempts to Outrun a Police Chase on a Skateboard

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This Police Chase Leads to Not One, but TWO Train Collisions

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Listen to this Hilarious Cautionary Tale of a Craigslist Job Scam

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Tiger Woods Sinks Three Balls in the Water Warming Up For the Tournament that Benefits His Own Foundation

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This is Probably the Worst Punt in Football History

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'Fox and Friends' Host Hits Drummer With a Flying Axe