
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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What Are We Failing at in August so Far?

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Rage Against the Scooting Machine

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Ain't No Party Like a "Drunkenly Dancing With a Pole" Party

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All the Worst Gym Rat Fails Are Right Here!

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This Airplane Flight is the Model of FAIL

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Crab vs Idiot

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This Woman is Upset Over a Wrong Kebab Order, But She Might Have Just Given Donald Trump a New Slogan

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This Guy Manages to Mess Up the Easiest Trivia About Hockey

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Apparently Even a Building Can Get a Wind Burn

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Fail of the Day: Guy in Truck Taunts Gator, Truck Becomes Gator Food

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Meanwhile, In...

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"Gym Wildlife" Perfectly Mocks Everyone at the Gym

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News FAIL of the Day: Wait a Minute... That's Not a Construction Site!

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She Just Lost Her Wisdom Teeth, and Now She Wants Ellen Degeneres to be Her Best Friend

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After Deciding to Chow Down on the Spiciest Noodles in the World, This Guy Has Some Sweaty Regrets

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When Jennifer Lopez Takes a Bow, You'll Know Why This Camera Was Focused On Her Most Famous Asset the Whole Time