
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Slide Tackles Are Getting Brutal

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If You're Having a Bad Day, Take Comfort in That Some "Cardmember Services" Scammer Isn't Trying to Have Phone Sex With You

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Conan O'Brien Shares Imaginary Conversations Between Trump and Obama, and They're Alarmingly Believable

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When a Heckler Chimes in, the Comedian Destroys Them With Their Own Metaphor

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Dads are Trying Their Best, But Sometimes They FAIL Too

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Who's Knocking? Bear is Knocking?! How Can That Be?!

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If You Have Testicles, Just Skip Watching This Video Entirely

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Watch Miss Earth New Zealand 2013, Nela Zisser, Try the 3 Liter Milk Challenge

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Tiny Dog, Big Terror

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When the Unstoppable Biker Jerk Meets the Immovable Car-Driving Jerk, Everyone Loses

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Wait, Is This College Marching Band's Formation What it Looks Like?

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Britney's Performance is Fine, but the Hair Extensions Really Steal the Show

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A Total Goon Eats a Urinal Cake for 10 Quid. Sensitive Stomachs Can Turn Away Now.

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Right When You Think You've Got the Perfect Opportunity To Strike...

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The Noble Jet Ski Hunts its Prey

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These Babies FAILed At Christmas