
Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

Kids being stupid and weird | Enormous Earl @enormous_earl 12 tried cheat at poker by pulling some cards out nearby deck nobody looking grabbed 3 kings and put them my hand, discreetly hiding cards replacing. So then there holding out my 5 cards: 3 with red backs, 2 with blue backs | won't let him eat bathroom garbage snapchat of kid crying

Moments that Show the Weird Dumbness of Children

Funny webcomics of Hey Man You See That Guy OVer There memes, a lot of them have to do with anime, gaming, video games, skyrim, nintendo, xbox,.

Best Of: Hey Man You See That Guy Over There?

memes of cat fails that are meow-rific

14 Hilarious Cat Fail Memes

animal memes of that feeling when (TFW) followed by a scenario we all relate too

"That Feeling When" Memes To Make You Say "Exactly"

funny random memes, dank memes, netflix memes, stupid memes | my mum about take dentist Do trust 5yo thinking are going Disneyland With every cell my body. The Flash CW | Little Cousin 6 years old makes sense Little Cousin born 2014 ?e: AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAA

34 Scrollable Memes That Made Us Lightly Chuckle

Cynical and dark webcomics filled with puns

21 Dark And Pun-Filled Comics From Rock, Paper, Cynic

funny puns and memes, pun memes, bad jokes.

40 Pun-Filled Memes That'll Make You Facepalm

karens, karen memes, stupid people, cringe, cringeworthy, funny memes, memes, facebook, twitter, facepalm, covidiots, anti mask | l'd like speak manager and police like speak police manager | Temecula Beth Talk 6 mins Have ever been restaurant does not give change pay with cash? My bill 47.20 gave waitress $100. and she only gave back $53.00 called over manager which our waitress She said don't usually carry change told her give my $100.00 back and l'll pay with credit card. Eighty cents would

20+ Sassy Memes That Roast Clueless Karens

best memes are funny memes including those about star wars, pooping, tripping, barack obama, dating, food, relationships, politics, police | weather report The storm has already blown 2929 several 29 transformers.  When you and your homie arguing about something and the google search confirms your intellectual dominance

The Best Funny Memes

funny times particular people and things were singled out | WORK CENTER HAS BEEN ACCIDENT FREE SINCE JOE LEFT | Abbie Cheeseman @cheesemanab Scientists have discovered on occasions, an octopus will "punch fish no reason other than "spite" Octopuses are ocean thugs punch fish

Humorous Times People and Things Were Singled Out Unfairly

Speculation abounds as Donald Trump eyes Melania in the voting booth right next to his

Everyone Has Their Own Theory About Why Donald Trump Was Eyeing Melania's Ballot

A quick list of nostalgic memes to bring you back. | Kids these days will never know ultimate thumb destroyer GameofLoans DURACELL 100% DURACELL POWERCHECKTM

Nostalgic Memes From The Olden Golden Days

Funny dank memes about among us gaming | This is why hate video games appeals male fantasy Sophte im stuck vent step bro | GIRLS can't believe he didn't cry at Titanic Do men even have feelings? BOYS wojak comics Doomer girl Tradgirl Yes Chad

'Among Us' Memes In Celebration Of Everyone's New Favorite Game

funny dumb people who misunderstood jokes | If ever crash car just press this button and 'll undo accident r This is lie button makes air circle car. Idiot liar. | Cowboy Cow That's fucking horse

People Who Aggressively Didn't Get The Joke

memes news The Internet Had No Problem Telling This "Identical" Mom and Daughter Apart

The Internet Had No Problem Telling This "Identical" Mom and Daughter Apart

funny dank memes, stupid memes, philosophers | existentialists @philosophical.genes create own meaning nihilists Regular show dodging flyers | Always has been Wait s all just endless suffering? astronaut pointing gun at another astronaut Sisyphus

30 Philosophy Memes For Deep Thinkers