
Memes are basically just hilarious inside-jokes on the internet that are the only source of joy for some people. Without memes, they're lost. So don't be like them, and make sure you always have memes at the ready.

Wow, that went dark fast. Also worth checking out the Funny Memes Tag or the often updated listicle of the funnest funny memes -based on advanced internets.

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36 Memes Meant For Wasting Precious Time

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People Who Desperately Didn't Get The Joke

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29 Saucy Anime Memes For All The Weeaboos

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Amusing Memes & Tweets For Maxing And Relaxing

web comics, Loading Artist, new zealand comics and other funny ones

34 Dark And Funny Comics That'll Get You Laughing

animals doing their thing that might be your spirit animal

We Have Found Your Spirit Animal (22 Memes)

funny memes of pets doing it wrong

You Are Doing It Wrong Memes. Best Collection

Cat meme of one cat putting the other in a loving choke hold,

These cat memes are so NOT from 3017

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'Is For Me?' Memes Call Out Classic Moments Of Entitlement

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History Memes for the Knowledge Seekers

Twitter reactions to donald trump stable genius tweet.

The Internet Is Running Wild With President Trump's 'Stable Genius' Tweet

Speculation abounds as Donald Trump eyes Melania in the voting booth right next to his

Everyone Has Their Own Theory About Why Donald Trump Was Eyeing Melania's Ballot

Funny memes, random memes, goth, tv, netflix.

31 Random Memes That'll Put You In A Good Mood

Funny memes about the 1980s | this old Raise hands if remember this Oregon Trail Teu n 1. Travel trall 2. Leara about trall Green Te Ten 4. Tern eund oft la er cheicer Galliker Potomac Fan Chocolate Milk tor jen private whate | used unfriend people old days! scribbling in a yearbook

'80s Tidbits For Those Who Want A Little Stroll Down Memory Lane

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17 Medical Memes That'll Give You A Healthy Chuckle

Beans memes

Someone Has Spent the Last Year Photoshopping Beans From Even Stevens Onto Other People

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