

A Healthy Dose of Fitness Motivation (No Pun Intended)

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Fall Back Means What?

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Created by hardkoreref

We're on Good Terms With James

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Losing Pounds the Post-Apocalyptic Way

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Intense App Sarcasm Helps You Work Out, Right?

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He's Shedding a Person!

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Created by Unknown

Time to Beef Up and Try This Post Again

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Via Acid Cow

It Really is a Broad Question

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It's Impossible to Tell if This is About Working Out... or Something Else Entirely

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Grammar Matters, Kids!

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The Gym: You're Doing It Wrong

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Respect Your Elders

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Dedicated One-Upsmanship, Courtesy of Twitter

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Too Much Food for Thought

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You're Going to be so Healthy After This One

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Weight Loss Logic

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