
People describe their worst first dates and they are maxed out on cringe.

People Describe Top 10 Worst Dates They've Ever Suffered Through

Man tries to install his kettle's wifi

The Future is Being Able to Live-Tweet an 11-Hour Struggle of Getting Your Kettle onto Your WiFi

Guy accidentally gives his girlfriend lettuce that he originally thought was flowers.

Dude Gives Girlfriend Lettuce That He Thought Was Flowers and The Internet Loves Him For It

People describe common skills that they quite simply don't possess | Reddit thread Wrapping presents watch videos every time but still can't do

Common Skills People Simply Don't Possess

twitter FAIL struggle reaction - 1966597

14 People That Are Failing Miserably And Having a Much Worse Day Than You

FAIL struggle treadmill - 1523973

14 People Share Their Trials of Treadmill Humiliation on Twitter

twitter struggle relatable parenting - 1807877

These Tweets About Parents and Their Toddlers All But Wail to the Woes and Struggles of Parenting

Collection of funny pics and tweets that reflect the rollercoaster ride of parenting.

25 Funny Accurate Tweets and Pics About Parenting That'll Make You Never Want to Have Kids

marriage tweets

22 Tweets That Perfectly Capture the Ups and Downs of Marriage

People express their dating struggles through memes on Twitter and it's very relatable.

People Storm Twitter to Describe Their Struggles With Dating Using Memes and It's Too Relatable

twitter struggle reactions roast ridiculous dating - 1940741

Guy Tells Story About Why He Won't Date 'Hot Women' Anymore, Subjects Himself to Fiery Inferno of Twitter Roasts

dating relatable true story twitter struggle - 1912581

14 Tweets Perfectly Reflect the Hilarious Roller Coaster of Modern Day Dating

funny tweets

15 Funny Tweets That Perfectly Capture the Struggles of Seizing the Day

People share stories of their worst summer jobs.

14 People Share Gruesome Stories of Their Worst Summer Jobs

halloween struggle relatable parenting dad funny - 1090053

Dad Live-Tweets About the Struggles of Parenting on Halloween

Depressing but entertaining trending twitter hashtag about dating struggle of four word letdowns.

10 Depressing But Hilarious #4WordLetDowns Trending Hashtag Captures the Struggles of Dating