

... Clap Your Hands?

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She's a Real Saint, This One

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You're Not Good At It Either

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Via Brown Cardigan

Flipper Never Had Days Like These

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Etiquette Demands You Put Your Phone Away During Meals

Awkward facebook failbook g rated oh snap rude social media - 5550498560
Created by Unknown

Fair's Fair

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Healthy Adult Relationship

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Via Pricklylegs

The Nerve of Some People!

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Check and Mate

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Created by flak12591

The Library: Chelsey's Doing it Wrong

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Created by Unknown
nice guys that failed to realize how crazy they are being

10 Ridiculous Times Nice Guys Failed To Recognize Their Own Rude Insanity

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If Only Everyone Were Me

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A stylist stays professional with an angry and inconsiderate Karen |  need my hair done need tomorrow sorry actually don't have any openings until week after next might have spot next week if opens up but as right now don't have anything about Sep 1st 10?

Stylist Stays Professional With Angry Karen

Good riddance, Karen.
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Created by mrosemissy ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Revenge By Guilt

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rude and disrespectful houseguests | gen3stang My cousin punched my wall. Left hole and started laughing he got his first house went over and punched hole right wall waited 11 years do .

Amazingly Disrespectful Things Done By Houseguests

How hard is it to be decent?
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