
random act of kindness

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After the Unthinkable Happens, Facebook Reunites a Mom and Her Newborn

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A Woman Named Beyoncé Gets Help From All the Other Unfortunately-Named on the Internet


Think Twice Before Judging That Big, Burly Guy

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How Noble of You to Totally Not Brag on Facebook!

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Via tru_lee

When a Good Deed Finally Pays Off

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Via Chartsengrafs

An Irish Bus Driver's Act of Kindness Will Cheer Up Anyone's Cynical Mood

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Via Clara O'Brien

Twitter Pulls a Solid and Helps These Noble Birds in Need

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Via 22 Words

Doing a Good Deed for a Child in Need

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Created by Sarahcastic

Jackie Chan is Working on the "George Takei Facebook Nice Guy" Award

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This Conversation Between a 13-Year-Old Coming Out to His Best Friend is Absolutely Heartwarming

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Via Instinct Magazine
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