

Police. Cops. Popo. 5-O. Whatever officer might be looking for, you'll find all that here and more. These coppers will charge you up like a battery, so get a shock to your system with witty police humor.

Nailed It

cops 911 emergency Nailed It police - 7032799488
Created by kitdee

At Least They Have a Sense of Humor About It

australia Image police poop Professional At Work - 5899921408
Created by mamabearkl

Getting a Head in Light

cops police ticket Image - 6659111680

Liek OMG, Way to Ruin My Day!

dui drunk driving officer police arrested darwin awards Image - 6677892352

Clean Up Every Once in a While!

parenting police - 6792228608
Created by TwistedChrissy
humor twitter marijuana smoking funny police - 1986565

This Police Department Just Won 4/20 With a Single Hilarious Tweet

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Legit Parenting

arrested Image parenting police voting-page - 6614190592
Created by Unknown

Some Cops Understand What It's Like to Be Blackout Drunk

cops drunk text blackout funny police - 8300775168
Via Elite Daily

A Cop Celebration! A Copulation! Wait...

police cops Image categoryimage - 6635643648

Maybe This Guy Shouldn't be on the Force

bad idea police - 8364461056
Via bendy_banana

Somebody Got Off Lucky

bad idea Overshare police lucky - 8357440512
Via tewlmidget

80085 Reasons to Close Your Browser Window

lady bits police traffic failbook g rated - 8120863744
Via GeneralAnesthetic

Me, The Neighborhood Vandal

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This Manchester Police Tweet is Baffling and Twitter is Having None of It

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The Drunken Right to Bear Arms

woods warning bears facepalm animals police - 8577378560
Created by indyrae16 ( Via )

Police Warning of a Drive by Rap Battle Is Met With Mocking Comments

rap sandals police facebook Police Warning of a Drive by Rap Battle Is Met With Mocking Comments
Via Charlton Police Department

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