

Police. Cops. Popo. 5-O. Whatever officer might be looking for, you'll find all that here and more. These coppers will charge you up like a battery, so get a shock to your system with witty police humor.

Handicap Access Zone

police - 6124045312

A British Police Advertisement for Old Cell Doors is Really a Clever Reminder of Where You DON'T Want to End Up

police image A British Police Advertisement for Old Cell Doors is Really a Clever Reminder of Where You DON'T Want to End Up
Via IslesofScillyPolice

All Aboard the Train!

Via Arbroath
twitter hashtag police - 250373

The NYPD Found Out the Hard Way How Not to Make a Twitter Hashtag

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July 10th - 16th, 2016

Pokémon twitter police pokemon go - 8822326784
Via @_EricHu

Where There's Smoke, There's Fire

donuts good idea Image police - 4911468800
Via hanstermonster

My Mom's a Cop

cops Awkward winnie the pooh police - 7672398848
Created by Emnellis16

You Can't Even Spell the First Word of Your Apology Correctly?

failbook facebook spelling police - 8815971840
Via Redstarwing

I Don't Think "Police Corruption" Means What You Think it Means...

busted Image police your friends are laughing at you - 5271659776
Created by Unknown

Do It! Do Nut Be Shy!

cops donuts police - 6763728128

The Seattle Police Department Has a Radical Encounter

twitter TMNT police - 8356293632
Via SeattlePD

Seems Legit

cops twitter police - 8802136320

The Darwin Police Just Issued a Formal Warning for People Playing Pokémon GO

Via Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services

Mounted Patrol Units Sometimes Get Into Some Real... Dirty Business

Via Arbroath

You Know You Have Zero Chill When You're Asking the Police To Use a Better Mugshot

funny fail image Australian fugitive gets caught after asking for a better mugshot on facebook
Via @7newssydney

What Are They Called Again?

police - 6973367808
Created by fatgirlinlove
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