

Heckling the Supreme Court

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Let's Face it, Obamacar is Unconstitutional

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Created by Unknown

Plenty of People Are Upset by the Affordable Care Act, but It's the Responses That Will Make You Question Humanity

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Created by Unknown

Things Escalated Quickly After That

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Created by Unknown
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From Really?

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For the Record: Yes, People Believe This

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Via throwmesomebread

Does Obamacare Cover Burn Treatment?

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That's Not How Obamacare OR Grumpy Cat Works

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Via Reddit

Snopes: Now Dominated by the Government Elite

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Via FordChick88

Ted Cruz's Chief of Staff Blows a Few (Tiny) Minds With This "Joke" About Obamacare

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Via Brobible

Ten Tweets About Obamacare

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