
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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The Internet Is Trying to Adopt This Awesome Dad and His Furry New iPhone Case

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Lindsay Lohan Was the Real MVP When It Came to Live Reporting the Brexit Vote

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There's Nothing Worse Than Getting the Wrong Video Game Console for Christmas

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Lena Dunham Learned the True Meaning of Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj's "Side to Side" and Rocked Some People's World With It

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Greatest Grandpa Gets His Grandbaby a Giant Teddy Bear and It's As Cute as You Imagine It

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This Guy Adopted a Puppy and Broke the Internet

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This Girl Saved a Weird Photo of Herself to Her Phone and She Finally Got to Use it to Troll Someone

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Learn the Lesson These Kids Didn't: Your Parents Have Social Media Too

Ellen DeGeneres photoshopped into riding Usain Bolt's back

People Are Calling Ellen DeGeneres a Racist for Her Tweet About Usain Bolt

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How to Decide Who to Unfriend on Facebook

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Evil Kermit Is the Devil on the Internet's Shoulder

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Cartoons Get Scary With #HorrifyaCartoon

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Michigan Athletics' Facebook Pages Get Hacked and It's All About the Booty

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#OnTinderAtTinder Pulls Back the Curtain of Tinder Profile Pics and Reveals What We All Knew Anyways

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Twitter Generously Offered Up Some Realistic Plot Lines For a Jurassic World Sequel #RealJurassicParkProblems

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Super Cool Dude Mark Hamill is Helping Fans Spot Fake Autographs on Twitter