

There's No Stopping It Now

idiots, rainbow, profile pic, gay marriage
Via Brown Cardigan

Use Drugs Responsibly

wtf drugs idiots funny - 8439257088
Idiots that got destroyed on Facebook for sharing stupid tattoos.

48 Idiots That Were Destroyed On Facebook For Getting Stupid Tattoos

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What Are Phones For?

girl uses facebook status to communicate to boyfriend
Via someecards
nice guy has a meltdown on facebook and doesn't seem to get it

Creep Has a Cringeworthy Meltdown and Wishes For the Death of All Women After He Gets Rejected

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Collection of people that were displays of pure stupidity on social media.

28 Brainless Mouth-Breathing Idiots Who Need All the Help They Can Get

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Idiots that don't understand the female anatomy at all.

10 Discouraging Idiots That Have No Grasp of Female Anatomy

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Growing Up

Via bromygod

Darwin Award

failbook facebook idiots - 8800912896
Via topontiki
drinking twitter wtf shark idiots stupid - 1776645

Video of Idiot Using Shark to Shotgun Beer Ignites Twitter Rage War

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Guy brings spirit level on plane to prove that the earth is flat during his flight.

Dude Takes Spirit Level On Plane Attempting to Prove Earth Is Flat

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wtf selfie idiots failbook g rated - 60931841

There's a Wildfire... But First, Let Me Take a Selfie

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"The Onion" Strikes Again!

facepalm Featured Fail idiots really the onion - 4780644352
Idiot goes on rant about being a party animal and gets rightfully called out.

Idiot Gets Hilariously Called Out After Going on Stupid Rant About Being a Party Animal

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The Shutdown R Not Reel Guis!

government shutdown idiots failbook - 7844580096

The Secret Service Is Controlled by the Illuminati

secret service mind control towers
Via ponyloverr
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