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And Not a Single Truck Was Given

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Created by Unknown

Facebook Turned Me Into a Naysayer

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If You Love the 50's so Much Why Don't You MARRY IT. HA.

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Unless That Soap Was Made With Fresh Blood...

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Give This Boss Some Credit for Honesty

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A New Kind of Clickbait: Deadbait

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There's at Least One Moron on the Road

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Here Comes the Nightmares, Thanks Dad!

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This Fundamental Force of Nature is Pretty Basic

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What if They Had to Market Facebook Back in the 90s?

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Freddie Mercury is Worth It

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Says the RDJ Fan

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Some Days, You Just Need the Bacon

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At His Age, You're Lucky He's Not Choking it

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Scissors Beats Paper

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And One is FAR More Delicious!

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