

How's the Food Baby Coming Along?

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Created by cubeastside

The Platonic Form of Pancake

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Via Know Your Meme

A Moment of Silence for the Kung Pao

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Logical Progression

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But I Thought That Was How Nutrition Worked!

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All That "Energy" Belongs in Your Arteries!

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Storing Buns Where They're Exposed to Human Buns is Pretty Gross

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It Will Cost You on the Way Out

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Created by Unknown
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Pizza Hut Knows the Holidays Are For Treatin' Yo Self (and a Few Friends)

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They're Lucky She Didn't Do the Same With The Tip

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The Fire Pit Can't Hold Us

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We've Got to Stop With These Fad Diets

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Via homerBM

Help Yourself!

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Via @speculation

Chipotle Had a Little "Incident" On Twitter This Weekend

Via The Daily Dot

It's Not Delivery, It's a Technicality

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