

Electrolytes: They're What Plants AND Humans Need!

Via jmorlin
Funny dumb facepalm moments | And on bus on bus and this guy is so fine but he has an iPhone 6

Facepalm Moments of Mystifying Dumbness

Self-awareness isn't everyone's strong suit.
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Nope, Nothing Gets Colder Than That!

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Via doorknobz1

If it's on Facebook, it's a Legally Binding Contract!

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Via thcpenguin

What Was Your First Clue?

Music concert facepalm - 8251360768
Via Acid Cow

Hash Tag Not How # Work

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Created by Rachel

That's Why You Don't Use a Selfie Stick

Via Arbroath

Think About it, People!

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Via GallowBoob

This Bout of Bad Climate Change Science Brought to You by Snowpiercer

Via Amdiron

Proof That The Onion Has Memory-Altering Properties

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Via Literally Unbelievable

Yeah, We Can Tell.

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There's Willful Ignorance, Then There's This

Text - And it's considered disrespectful to use the wrong pronouns fyi This whole Bruce Jenner thing is bull..t. It's not like he's the first person to get a damn sex change. I'm sure most people would agree with me. There's more important sil t going on in this country than a guy being a coward. And what the is a pronoun? I dropped English class FYI

Is Any of This True, or Even Worth Bragging About?

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Via Reddit

Not Sure What to Do? Add More Commas!

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Via Dragon_Snapper

Please Tell Me More About These Completely Real People

Text - The Onion 12 hrs the OO In Focus: Facebook Version Of Marriage Going Great SAN JOSE, CA-Citing the numerous photos and status updates that the couple regularly post online, sources confirmed Wednesday that the Face book version of Annie and Colin Wheeler's eight-year marriage is going extremely well. Several of... THEONION.COM Like Comment Share 9,713169 1,465 9,713 people like this. 1,465 shares Why is this "news", who are these people? E Like Reply1 8 hrs G This is the best comment to a
Via Literally Unbelievable

Wi-Fi, It's Like a Series of Dust Particles

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Via bengals02

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