donald trump

tweets by a cartoon version of Donald Trump

Cartoon Donald Trump Live-Tweets Obama's Farewell Speech and It's Even More Ridiculous Than We Could've Hoped For

donald trump tweet

Twitter Attacks Donald Trump for 'Unpresidented' Spelling Mistake and It's Immediate Comedic Gold

donald trump

The FLOTUS Transition Was a Cringe-Coated Show of Awkwardness Thanks to a Strange Gift Exchange

twitter list donald trump Hillary Clinton reactions - 823045

Twitter Had a Meltdown After Hillary Sent That "Delete Your Account" Tweet, Here Are Some of the Best Reactions

easter twitter donald trump roast politics - 1957125

President Trump's Appearance With Easter Bunny's Getting Hilariously Roasted

security guard with fake arms

Conspiracy Theorists Are Proposing Trump's Bodyguard Was Sporting FAKE Arms to Conceal Gun Under Coat at Inauguration

funny amazon reviews

The Amazon Reviews for Donald Trump's Christmas Ornament Are Ridiculous Enough to Make the Internet Great Again


Does Trump Know You Can't Actually Pick Team Rocket?

twitter donald trump irish - 79465729

Irish People Reading Donald Trump Tweets Adds a Bit of Humor to a Scary Timeline

donald trump chrome extention Make America Great Again by Replacing All Donald Trump References on the Internet With Voldemort Using This Handy Chrome Extension

Make America Great Again by Replacing All Donald Trump References on the Internet With Voldemort Using This Handy Chrome Extension

J.K. Rowling Ricky Gervais donald trump

J.K. Rowling and Ricky Gervais Team Up for a Sass-Packed Twitter Throwdown After Donald Trump's Fake News Tweet

an onion gets more followers than donald trump

These People Are Determined to Get Half An Onion More Followers on Twitter Than The Real Donald Trump

trending news twitter trump mr brexit fail

SayWhat of the Day: Trump Wants You to Call Him "Mr. BREXIT", Internet Replies

political tweet Scot Baio didn't know starbucks is a liberal company

Finally Proof that Starbuck's Has a Completely-Secret Liberal Agenda

Text - Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Follow I love japen. Im Always watching animey and reading the mango Reply Retweet More Favorite 292 181 RETWEETS FAVORITES 6:12 PM - 15 Jun 13

Trump Finally Lets His True Colors Fly

Twitter reactions to donald trump stable genius tweet.

The Internet Is Running Wild With President Trump's 'Stable Genius' Tweet