
deep thoughts

The Important Things in Life

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Created by Unknown


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Created by alpal779

Philosoraptor Joins Facebook

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Created by Jaydd

The Beauty is in the Simplicity of the Haiku

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Created by Unknown

Take My Breath Away

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Created by IanHoff

Deep Thoughts for Deep People

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Via FallsTheShadow

There's a Lot to Parse Out Here, Just Let the Dumb Wash Over You

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That's Both the Dumbest and Most Obvious Thing I've Ever Heard

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Via _tonyhilfiger

I Wonder...

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Created by panhead1212

Candy and Race Relations

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Created by Unknown

Deap Thots...

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It's Already 4/20 in Your Mind Anyway

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Via mossycow456

From Thoughts to Farts

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Created by MeanieHead

But Like, Have You Ever Thought About Hands, Man?

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Created by katydepp03

Gonna Take Vegetables Down to Zero!

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More Importantly, Would God's Farts Stink?

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Via 22 Words
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