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Oh Come On Now...

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Forget it, Shut Down the Internet. We're Done Now.

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Via Brown Cardigan

Facebook Go Home, You Are Drunk

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Created by CelticMichaela


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Created by HappyLilGrahamCracker

The Captchas Have Become Sentient!

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Via Failbook

That Wasn't Very Nice of You, Captcha

Via DiedPiepMuis

Maybe a Little Spooning Afterward

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Created by lemonskeletons

That Should Count

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What Are the Letters?

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Created by WTFYoutube

How Dare You, CAPTCHA!

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Created by stg2010

Also, Enjoy Your Service Charge!

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Created by beau.simmons.12

Even Captcha Gets Lonely Sometimes

Via I Heart Chaos

You've Got to Be Kidding

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Created by sonalis

Facebook REALLY Doesn't Want You to Leave

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