

Spare a Dime?

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See? Those Kings Fans Are so Nice!

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Via heyohenry

Feel Free to Crawl Back into the Hole You Came From

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Via Brown Cardigan

Mom and Grandma Are Totally Ruining Your Game

Text - March 1- |and Leslie Having a lovely time with Vanessal was so much eye candy?! - at Babbo Italian Eatery. Like Comment Share Who knew there Vanessa| |Beth and Cindy like this. Eye candy? March 1 at 7:19pm Like Dont worry mom, the eye candy was sarcasm... Nothing but old couples March 1 at 7:24pm Like And what's wrong with old couples? March 2 at 5:46am- Like Absolutely nothing Grandma March 2 at 9:04am Like Write a comment...
Created by Unknown

A Quick Lesson in Burn

Via Know Your Meme

Your Gonna Need a Band-Aid

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Created by meron1998

Hefner's a Jerk, but a Classy One

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Race Talk Gets Way too Real on Twitter

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Anything But a Juice Cleanse!

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The Lords of Atlantis Are Displeased With This Sentiment

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Cheating on Your Phone's AI

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Only Family Can Cut That Deep

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Eminem Has Really Gone Through Some Changes Throughout the Years

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Via HazedHead

Snickers Adds its Own Commentary to the World Cup Suarez Bite

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The Truth About Bears

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Burning in Pompeii

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