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Three People Just Made History on 'The Price is Right' and the Internet is Happy For Them

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Your Mean Tweets to Celebrities Are Getting More and More Creative

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What if Facebook Had Microtransactions for Likes?

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"The Boy Who Cried Literally" is the Story of That One Friend Everybody Has on Social Media

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Bryan Cranston Crashed SNL as Trump's Newest Cabinet Appointee, Walter White, and It's Too Perfect

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A CNET Reporter Talking About the Apple Watch Accidentally Buys an Xbox One on the New Apple Device.

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Social Media Gets Totally Gamified in the Short "Likehunter"

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Those Annoying People On Your Facebook Feed? They Deserve "First World Problems: The Musical."

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The Creators Claim This is the World's "Dumbest App," but it's Still Pretty Useful!

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Someone Tossed Dog Sh*t at Martin Shkreli, Hitting Him in the Face, and the Internet's Never Going to Get Over It