

FAIL brother car prank sister - 1290501

Brother Obliterates Sister's Christmas Dreams with Genius, Coldhearted Prank

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twitter FAIL trolling baseball reactions MLB birth control - 1384453

Brewers Pitcher Brazenly Mansplains Birth Control to Jessica Chastain on Twitter, Successfully Triggers Pack of Ravenous Trolls

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twitter baby names FAIL parenting funny - 1233413

The Brainstorming for #2017BabyNames Kicks off on Twitter, and 2016 Gave People a Lot to Work With

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Is She Telling Herself That She'll Add... Herself?

FAIL - 7929868288
Created by Takexi

Facebook Knows Exactly What She Wants For Her Birthday

ads birthdays FAIL Starbucks - 7927374080
Created by Faruba

Cause and Effect

FAIL Multitasking - 4709832448
Created by ellieeef

Local TV News Anchor Loses It When She Tries to Report on the Man Who Lived as a Goat

Via Dawn Joy

Edumacated Guesses

FAIL facebook spelling - 8747675904
Bad Design, Design Fail, Funny, Cursed Images, Cringe, Facepalm, Funny | LIFT CORRECTLY illustration of a person bending down to lift something heavy | unclear markings on the floor

25 Examples Of Cursed Design & Terrible Photoshop

Design so bad, it's almost like they're trolling us
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WTF is This Crap, I Just Want to Leave the Country

twitter FAIL photos - 8752740096
Via @AnnaHeslop
wtf safety failures | exposed electrical cord glowing | person working on the bottom of a car while it's being kept hanging in the air with just a rope

OSHA-Unapproved Moments Of Safety Failure

"Nah, it'll be fine."
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twitter sports FAIL grandma parenting basketball Video - 140294

Breaking Grandma's Ankles in a Driveway Pickup Game is Probably How You Cross Yourself Out of Her Will

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not my job moments | Repair guy did this combat overheating punching holes in a computer | sign billboard MY BOSS SAID PUT SOMETHING UP

Unprofessional "Not My Job" Moments of Failure

Looks good enough.
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Homonyms Don't Count, Right?

FAIL homonyms spelling - 8567964928
Created by wes.j.jackson
FAIL cringe - 76895489

Cringe as Steve Harvey Announces That He Crowned the Wrong Winner of the Miss Universe Pageant

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You'll Never Trust a Well-Seasoned Chip Again After This Disgusting Pita Pit Story

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