Engrish Funny

They CERNtainly Showed Us!

america cern europe fourth of july higgs boson - 6398687744

Lots of Love! Sorry About the Whole Invasion Thing.

america britain england fourth of july great britain united states usa - 6400439552


garbage trash - 5954982400

I'm Entirely Confused

cash currency money - 6378282752

You Had One Job to Do, Closed Captioning Guy!

Spider-Man subtitles - 6381892864

Everything's Happier in Denmark

america denmark plug - 6381966848

You Could Say That That Remark Drew Alot of Ire...

great britain Ireland irish scotland UK united kingdom Wales - 6382433792

The Australians Are Attacking!

australia - 6390433536

U Mad Yuropoors?

america europe fourth of july - 6394166784

Meet the Original Captain America

captain america - 6393500416

America Level: 100

Cheezburger Image 6382275072

God Bless Koreamerica!

america American Flag south korea - 6368042496
Created by DarkAngelGRM

How Do You Know Me?

engrish funny g rated ramen - 6380162816
Created by meganeguard ( Via Jonny Challenge )

Oolong Tea Leaves You With Gooder Healthcare

tea - 6380314880
Created by Unknown

Brace Yourselves...

McDonald's - 6379409408
Created by Unknown

Mighty Morphin' Spider Rangers

batman DC marvel power rangers Spider-Man superman the incredibles - 5955764736
Created by Unknown