Dating Fails

Form Is Important For Valentine's Day, But Everybody Wants The Same Thing

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Keep the Hands-Off Approach

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Dating Venn Bubble

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Created by anselmbe

Gentlemen, This Is What You Should Propose With

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Via Surfkaboom
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This Guy Took the Ultimate Plunge and Proposed at the Bottom of the Ocean

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The Power of Twitter Catches an Adulterer in the Act

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Created by NickCB ( Via Happy Place )

Yield to Love

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Via Cyanide and Happiness

Can NOT Be Contained

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Why Would You Want This?

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The People of Seeley Cop a Feel for a Cause

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Via Reddit
cringey comment threads and cringe-worthy DMs

14 Cringe-Packed Texting Fails To Make You Feel Better About Your Darkest Hour

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Terrible boyfriend learns a brutal lesson on why you should listen to your girlfriend.

Woman Tweets Brutal Revenge Story About Her Terrible Ex-Boyfriend

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We Send Our Regards

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To Each Their Own, Right?

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Via Reddit

That One Gets Me Every Time

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How Would They Even...?

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