

Did you get that text? No? Well dive into some of the funniest and punniest texts you will ever see. Whether it's an SMS or a clever note, you'll get plenty of ideas how to make your passive aggressive intentions known, or relate to a terrible mistake. Either way, laughter will be had.

Always Plan Ahead

autocorrect text - 7968902400
Created by kaylj91

You Can't Escape It

autocorrect swag text - 7913085696
Via stylessext

The Job Market is Rough

autocorrect text funny - 7763492352
Via themisadventuresofmaja

Smoothing Out the Wrinkles

autocorrect text moms - 7868143872
Via the sibylline books

It's Just So Hilarious

autocorrect text funny - 7823034624
Via campfiremocha

That's Difficult to Believe

autocorrect text - 7993832960
Via gentlenight

Mr. Frenzy Was the Best Teacher Ever

autocorrect text funny - 7774994176
Via bieksalove

Just Sneaker the Question, Okay?

autocorrect text proposal - 7840910592
Created by FloralJayne ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Both Involve Chickpeas

autocorrect text mom funny - 7780414976
Via thatclimbergirl

It's Where All the Cool Kids Hang Out

autocorrect text - 7836564480
Via Oh The Fangirling

Just a Little...

autocorrect text AutocoWrecks - 7900850944
Via jazminekhan

You Seem Very Calm, Considering Your Situation

autocorrect text funny - 7809675520
Via onebizarreme

She's Not Used to the iPhone Yet...

autocorrect text - 7867280128
Created by Jrsbbusa3000 ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

A Lettuce Obsession Would Just Be Weird

autocorrect text - 7970291712
Via a-l-one

Does That Affect the Reservation?

autocorrect Awkward text - 7868146176
Via krapwerdna

An Autocorrect Biology Lesson

autocorrect text biology - 7865044480
Via Stuff Erin Likes