After 12

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First "Planking," Then "Owling," Now "Centipeding"?

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Ignore The Negative, Focus On The Positive

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Woo Girls Get Messy Sometimes

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Hey, These Aren't Our Hats

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The "Too Drunk? No Way, I'm Fine!" Face

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Hey, Isn't That Your Ex?

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Created by remix_drs

PSA: Inappropriate Dance Moves Can Traumatize Other People

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Woo Girls Love Their Spring Break

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Right This Way!

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See, Hear, Speak, And [CENSORED] No Evil

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Woo Girls Have No Self-Image

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It Sure Wasn't Her Personality That Got Her A Free Beer

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Woo Girls Are Susceptible To Sneak Attacks

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Suddenly, Ashleigh Realized Why She Was So Popular At The Beach Party

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Sorry Baby, But This One Angry Birds Level Is REALLY Hard

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