After 12

Star Trek

Worse Than the Green Fairy

art Star Trek funny - 7643175936
Via Netorama

Something to Drink Aboard the USS Enterprise

Movie Star Trek funny cocktail - 7823177216

Even Starfleet Captains Make Mistakes

morning after one night stand patrick stewart Star Trek - 5802439680

Saturday Night On The Enterprise

booze drunk hangover Party Star Trek - 5248888064
Created by finelytuned

This Is a Real Problem in the Final Frontier

Star Trek funny - 7601902080

Riker Knows What's Good

Star Trek funny - 7599802880

On the Enterprise in a Red Shirt? Drink This!

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Oo, Whuskay! Ah Love Yae Soo Much!!!

scotch Star Trek whiskey - 6497861120

Behold Klingon Beer!

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Via Geek Sugar
best memes are funny memes including those about star wars, pooping, tripping, barack obama, dating, food, relationships, politics, police | weather report The storm has already blown 2929 several 29 transformers.  When you and your homie arguing about something and the google search confirms your intellectual dominance

The Best Funny Memes

We forced a bot to scour the web and find the funniest memes for 80 hours straight. These are the best and funniest memes from what that bot found: Want MOAR of the best funny memes? After extensive research, our data scientists determined that people want 2 things: The Best Memes. More of such memes, preferably funny ones. As we all know, the primary act that triggers the categorization of an image as a (funny) meme is a collective, slightly-accelerated exhaling via the nose by the masses who…
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That Poor, Poor Dog

bud light Star Trek dogs - 7155530240

Sounds Delicious

beer FAIL Star Trek - 8438586624
Via Facebook

Go Where No Beer Has Gone Before

beer Star Trek funny ale - 7870272256

Abra Used Teleport

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Class Up Your Space Cocktails

for sale Star Trek after 12 g rated - 7793231616
Via Think Geek

Beer the Final Frontier

beer sign Star Trek funny pubs - 8012646912
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