After 12


What Do You Have Against Diplodoci?

blunt dinosaur joint - 6303446016

Happy 4/20 From Seattle!

420 baked blazed blunt ganja high joint marijuana pot seattle stoned trees weed - 6137247232

Smoking a Bluntasaurus

or would you call this a bronto-blunt?
Via Brown Cardigan

It's De Eighth Wondah a' De World, Sight?

blunt Hall of Fame joint marijuana weed - 6189268480

Waka Flocka Wants to Hire a Blunt Roller for 50K a Year

job weed blunt funny after 12 - 8320020736
Via Buzzfeed
marijuana smoking weed blunt - 73130753

Bill Nye The Super High Guy

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Roger, Apollo 420, Copy That...

420 blunt joint space - 6307656448

D.E.Ay Mon!

american dad blunt DEA family guy ganja joint lighter - 6254508544

Waaaaaaay Above the Influence

drugs high blunt - 6828047872

Crunk Critters: Meet Spliffy the Squirrel

blunt crunk critters squirrel - 6216787200

She's a Giant Disappointment

terrible weed blunt funny - 8434242048

Got Some Mad Skills

always increase your blunt skill
Via SuchUserMuchName