After 12


Time to raise the bar. If you walk the straight and narrow, and can toe that line on the bar, then maybe these straight-laced puns are for you to. So grab a pint and celebrate, but make sure you stay the course.

Crunk Critters: Gimme the Usual

bar cat crunk critters - 4995320832
Created by PlayItAgainSam

Bears or Beers?

Via The_Ombudsman

Do the Drinks Come With Oxygen?

bar underwater funny scuba diving - 7494917120

Swipe Right On In Here

Via Tamerkattan4real

What Do You Guys Serve Here?

alcohol bar booze drinking jagermeister thousands of them - 5420622592

I'm All Packed!

drinking bar cool accessories i'm all packed
Via thomhee

Thanks God!

bar god beer funny - 7854462208

Just One Drink

bar drink huge pitcher - 5968978432

It Sure Wasn't Her Personality That Got Her A Free Beer

bar beer bewbs drinking duck face free beer personality woo girls - 5501479424

Can't Tell if Good Tipper, Or Angry Customer...

Fail tip giver of a tip inside a glass of water that is upside down and full of water with the money inside the the water. Hard to tell if good tipper or angry customer.

For a Limp Night Out

bar funny sign whiskey - 7939691008

A Beer For Your Rock Jams?

bar beer clever guitar holder Music - 6036674048

Maybe Just Stay There, Please?

bar facebook glass Hall of Fame sign wine - 6009173760

Soup of the Day

soup of the day, whiskey, bar, sign
Via Bits and Pieces

He's a Hero

bar captain planet liquor passed out tab - 4941903104

This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things!

bar brawl fight restaurant violence - 6240338176

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