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Old Russian Dude Proceeds to Down Three Bottles of Vodka Like Absolute Savage

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An Expert in Alcohol Taste Tested Cheap Vodka to Tell You Which Ones Are the Least-Worst

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Don't Talk Back to Mother

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Would You Try a Shot of the “World’s Hottest” Vodka?

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Showing Off With Vodka

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Quality Time

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This Vodka-Knife-Shovel Thing Is the Most Russian Tool Ever Made

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The 11 Things That Happen Before You Go To The ER

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Not Its Intended Purpose, But Close Enough

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Created by HowdoIshotweb
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In Russia Even the Ants Enjoy Their Vodka

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A Single Person Finding True Love

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It Fires a Lot of Shots

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Should Really Be the Name of Most Vodkas

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Via The Awesomer

Hopefully this will be enough

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Created by Cerpin_Taxt

Maybe Don't Take This to the Music Festival

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Celebrating the Big 2-1 in Style

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