
small town

'The cops [and tow company] laughed at her': Woman throws tantrum for getting ‘unreasonably’ towed after parking in front of neighbor's driveway before leaving to ‘Burning Man' for a week, gets laughed at

'The cops [and tow company] laughed at her': Woman throws tantrum for getting ‘unreasonably’ towed after parking in front of neighbor's driveway before leaving to ‘Burning Man' for a week, gets laughed at

One of the perks of living in a quaint neighborhood are the kind neighbors. It gives you a feeling of secuirty and safety, being surrounded by all these people who you usually at least know on a first name basis. So what happens when someone moves in and lives in their own little entitled world?
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‘I’m stuck in the outskirts of town with my truck': Truck driver left stranded in the suburbs on Christmas after incompetent boss forgets to authorize funds for gas

‘I’m stuck in the outskirts of town with my truck': Truck driver left stranded in the suburbs on Christmas after incompetent boss forgets to authorize funds for gas

I can't imagine managing employees and treating them like toys you can ignore whenever you feel like it. It's as if it's okay to one day pretend you don't have any responsibility for them because you are too tired to deal with these commitments. Who puts these people in charge? One truck driver was left literally stranded in the middle of nowhere without gas, all thanks to his boss. The boss in question was supposed to authorize funds for gas and food on the truck driver's journey, but failed t…
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'You're on thin ice': Small town council complains about resident's dandelions and garden, so resident gets farm animals to 'mow the lawn'

'You're on thin ice': Small town council complains about resident's dandelions and garden, so resident gets farm animals to 'mow the lawn'

When you live in a small town, word gets around, and if you have beef with the city council, you had better giddy up for a long ride… of malicious compliance. One woman took on her HOA (that wasn't really an HOA, but more of a city council of sorts, as they were a small town) when they came with multiple complaints on different occasions about her property. The issue this woman had was not with their complaints, but rather with the fact that they did not bug any other of the neighborhood reside…
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'Someone... was still on her account': Call center rep helps woman find her cheating husband and cancel his TV plan

'Someone... was still on her account': Call center rep helps woman find her cheating husband and cancel his TV plan

This woman was confused why she got charged $49, so she phoned up a call center for help. The person on the other end of the line, u/boyinblack13x, ended up going above and beyond at their job that day: they helped their customer find this missing ex. In my own personal “sure grandma, let's get you to bed” moment, I remember a time when you could share passwords between streaming services. It was a sneaky way to stay on mom and dad's Netflix plan while you went off to college. Then, these turne…
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'Not an emergency situation, sorry': Local Karen throws tantrum after no one pulled over when she put on her hazard lights, gets dragged online

'Not an emergency situation, sorry': Local Karen throws tantrum after no one pulled over when she put on her hazard lights, gets dragged online

We love when local Karens make up rules for the whole community to follow that simply do not exist. It's as if they live in their own tiny little universe where every thought that comes into their brain is not only factual but law . We've seen this situation transpire before with Karens involved in HOAs or neighbors who have ridiculous standards and procedures for everyone else to follow. In this scenario, which was posted to Reddit's r/F***YouKaren subreddit, we have a Karen whose daughter was…
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AITA for sharing screenshots of this girl's absurdly tone deaf apology for bullying me 10 years ago?

Former High School Bully Gives Tone Deaf Apology 10 Years Later, Victim Gets Revenge by Sending it Around

Karma is not kind!
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wednesday dance hillbilly goth punk stereotypes metal hardcore

'What's more goth than having your pawpaw burried in the backyard?': Hillbilly woman proves that southern girls are more goth and punk than any city slicker

Is it a bit redundant to call her yallternative? Recently, with everyone's obsession with the 90's paired with everyone being clinically depressed, there has been a huge rise in people who consider themselves emo, goth, punk, or simply just ‘alternative’. Black eyeliner, dark hair, and a permanent scowl on your face have become more fashionable than ever and goth-ish girls everywhere are thriving.
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Country Folk are Showing Off Their Small Town General Stores to the City Slickers on TikTok

Country Folk are Showing Off Their Small Town General Stores to the City Slickers on TikTok

Some of these stores are 100+ years old and walking in them is like going back in time.
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rural drama community lol amazing small town funny - 16233733

People Share Their Scandalous Small Town Drama

Small towns. Depending on who you ask, they're dens of community, salt-of-the-earth values, rampant local corruption and terrific squabbles. There can be incomprehensible pettiness, wild pigs loose in the woods, and amazing gossip. People will have screaming matches over a new Starbucks and everyone knows that the mayor's kid is selling whip-its on the side. What a wild time.
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