
‘The bigger the sign, the less people will read it’: 20+ Employees recount their most hysterical ‘guests who can't read signs’ stories

‘The bigger the sign, the less people will read it’: Front desk employees recount their most hysterically funny ‘guests who can't read signs’ stories

signs sign design fail lights light store stores funny funny memes

'Home of the Who': 20+ Unintentionally funny signs whose burnt-out lights changed their meaning

'Mental is hocus, health not pocus': 20 Hilariously hard to read signs

'Mental is hocus, health not pocus': 20 Hilariously hard to read signs

'He is shocked... he finally realized that his actions have consequences': Magazine boss loses trust in employees, tries to force them into signing sketchy contracts

'He is shocked... he finally realized that his actions have consequences': Magazine boss loses trust in employees, tries to force them into signing sketchy contracts

'Open can of sardines [was] left in the office fridge overnight': 25 Workplaces that are mildly infuriating

'Open can of sardines [was] left in the office fridge overnight': 25 Workplaces that are mildly infuriating

20+ ridiculous airport greeting signs: 'The dogs missed you so much. They ate our couch. Welcome home!'

20+ ridiculous airport greeting signs: 'The dogs missed you so much. They ate our couch. Welcome home!'

'No golfing in the cemetery!': Top 20 Funny Signs of the Week (May 19, 2024)

'No golfing in the cemetery!': Top 20 Funny Signs of the Week (May 19, 2024)

‘Your condolences don’t pay my rent': Job candidate left floored after hiring manager retracts job offer 1 week before starting date due to company ‘budget changes’

‘Your condolences don’t pay my rent': Job candidate left floored after hiring manager retracts job offer 1 week before starting date due to company ‘budget changes’

'That authority is... telling him what to do on his own property': Homeowner plants sign to spite nosy local HOA

'That authority is... telling him what to do on his own property': Homeowner plants sign to spite nosy local HOA

'Raccoons still in ceiling': 25 Funny and random signs found in the wild

'Raccoons still in ceiling': 25 Funny and random signs found in the wild

'Should...employees be made to pay?': Craft store employees shocked by manager's note

'Should...employees be made to pay?': Craft store employees shocked by manager's note

'Ok then, I won't talk back': Fast food manager scolds new employee for 'lazing around,' gets upset when another employee calls her out

'Ok then, I won't talk back': Fast food manager scolds new employee for 'lazing around,' gets upset when another employee calls her out

'Read your lease! We were doing you a favor': Renter tries to leave apartment, management insists they pay fees hidden in the lease

'Read your lease! We were doing you a favor': Renter tries to leave the 'worst apartment,' management insists they pay fees hidden in the lease

'THIS IS A HANDWASHING SINK [...] NO WASHING YOUR FEET': 30+ funny and cringe signs

'This is a handwashing sink [...] no washing your feet': 30+ amusing and cringe signs

FAILS sign lemonade call me FAIL wonder woman signs washington beans sign fail funny funny signs paper signs handwriting - 22167557

'Non action and stop excitement': 20 Garbled signs that almost make sense

'[She] changed our sign to say 'open': Gift shop employee stops customer who insisted on shopping in a closed store

'[She] changed our sign to say 'open': Gift shop employee stops customer who insisted on shopping in a closed store

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