school of fail

Substitute teacher fails student on music assignment because of bias against sound clip, student makes sound clip play everywhere: 'She changed my grade [...] from a D to an A+'

Substitute teacher fails student on music assignment because of bias against sound clip, student makes sound clip play everywhere: 'She changed my grade [...] from a D to an A+'

7th grader strikes deal with teacher after classmate does zero work on group project, sabotaging their school presentation: 'I got a 98% on the project, and [he] got a big, fat ZERO'

7th grader strikes deal with teacher after classmate does zero work on group project, sabotaging their school presentation: 'I got a 98% on the project, and [he] got a big, fat ZERO'

karens ipads school child entitlement ipad mothers karen put in her place mother reddit karen motherhood sad but true entitled people karma karens in the wild School of FAIL entitled r-entitled karen story karma karen children entitled people - 36804613

Mother goes on rampage after her iPad is stolen from her car during school pick-up, says it's the school's fault despite her having not locked her car off school premises

Student gets back at classmate by adding too many absences on teacher's attendance sheet, delaying his graduation by a full year: 'That is diabolical'

Student gets back at classmate by adding too many absences on teacher's attendance sheet, delaying his graduation by a full year: 'That is diabolical'

Teacher maliciously complies with strict school dress code, wears ridiculous boots to work to prove a point: 'I am in compliance with the dress code'

Teacher maliciously complies with strict school dress code, wears ridiculous boots to work to prove a point: 'I am in compliance with the dress code'

Teacher makes student do corrections on essay despite no feedback, cue malicious compliance: 'I rewrote my entire essay... word for word... TWICE!'

Teacher makes student do essay corrections despite no feedback, cue malicious compliance: 'I rewrote my entire essay... word for word... TWICE!'

'Take notes the old fashioned way': Teacher refuses to let student bring loud laptop to class, so he brings a typewriter instead

'Take notes the old fashioned way': Teacher refuses to let student bring loud laptop to class, so he brings a typewriter instead

'[She] was the absolute worst': Teacher embarrassed in front of entire class during satisfying guest presentation

'[She] was the absolute worst': Teacher embarrassed in front of entire class during satisfying guest presentation

'Your mic is still on': Teacher roasted for gossiping about a coworker to a student, everyone overhears

'Your mic is still on': Teacher roasted for gossiping about a coworker to a student, everyone overhears

'If you had to leave to go to the bathroom, you couldn't get back in': 20+ pointless school rules that do not age well

'If you had to leave to go to the bathroom, you couldn't get back in': 20+ pointless school rules that do not age well

‘Everyone was bitter about it’: Boss refuses to pay employees for mandatory work trip

‘Everyone was bitter about it’: Boss refuses to pay employees for mandatory work trip

'Parents had me come to school on senior skip day': Top Mildly Infuriating School Moments

'Parents had me come to school on senior skip day': Top Mildly Infuriating School Moments

'The internet was evil and full of lies': 20+ so-called 'facts' everyone was taught in school that have since been disproven

'The internet was evil and full of lies': 20+ so-called 'facts' everyone was taught in school that have since been disproven

'If we all agree to this, then we can all get perfect scores': Professor with bizarre grading policy gets schooled after students game the system, giving everyone a perfect score

'If we all agree to this, then we can all get perfect scores': Professor with bizarre grading policy gets schooled after students game the system, giving everyone a perfect score

'I want to retake this test': 25+ funny exam mistakes from students who clearly did not study

'I want to retake this test': 25+ funny exam mistakes from students who clearly did not study

'I cant take notes on my computer? Fine, I’ll use a typewriter': Teacher enforces strict no laptop policy, student maliciously complies

'I can't take notes on my computer? Fine, I’ll use a typewriter': Teacher enforces strict no laptop policy, student maliciously complies

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