

pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses workplace stories revenge-stories-reddit - 23609093

'Cut my hours? Enjoy the fraud charges': Employer gets boss fired and charged for cutting their hours

Should your boss suddenly decide to screw you over by reducing your hours… you'll seldom have the chance to settle the score. But, as we've learned many times on the internet, you should never backstab someone who knows where the skeletons in your closet lie; after all, it's pretty obvious that they'll just go ahead and expose them in retaliation. We're not saying that the path of vengeance is one that you should decide to take; you'll live a better life by just walking away in most of these si…
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'My car is RUINED!': Entitled Karen ignores ticket for parking next to fire hydrant, faces instant karma as firefighters are forced to break car windows for hose access

'My car is RUINED!': Entitled Karen ignores ticket for parking next to fire hydrant, faces karma when firefighters are forced to break her car windows for hose access

We all know the agony of circling around multiple blocks in desperate search of a spot to parallel park on the street. You suddenly see your opening and do a little fist bump in relief, only to pull up and see a fire hydrant. A little part of me always wants just to snag the spot anyways and hope not to get a ticket. Well after reading this story, I think I'd rather circle the block for hours instead of risking parking next to a fire hydrant.
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'This is my type of crazy': Driver refuses to let fancy car cut him off, gets into petty argument with the lawyer behind the wheel

'This is my type of crazy': Driver refuses to let fancy car cut him off, gets into petty argument with the lawyer behind the wheel

Getting cut off is a profoundly infuriating phenomenon we have all been on the receiving end of while driving behind the wheel. For me, it's the implications behind the act of cutting someone off that really grind my gears. Of course, that implication is that this person is more important than you. Wherever they have to go is of greater importance than whatever it is that you have going on in your life. Cutting someone off is nothing more than an act of narcissism and main character syndrome.
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'I would have to sort through dozens upon dozens of emails daily': Random guy uses 'fake' email address for spam mail, true owner of the email address finally gets revenge

'I would have to sort through dozens upon dozens of emails daily': Random guy uses 'fake' email address for spam mail, true owner of the email address finally gets revenge

You know the drill – you sign up for a company's emails for a tempting incentive, like a juicy 20% discount, and suddenly, you're bombarded with annoying emails week after week. So there's this random guy who, fed up with the spam, decides to outsmart the system. He signs up for emails using a 'fake' email address, just a random Gmail account with his first initial and last name. Unbeknownst to him, someone else actually shares the same first initial and last name and has to endure the spam...
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pro revenge rural farmer petty-revenge-reddit lawyer revenge revenge-stories petty revenge Lawyers farmers revenge-stories-reddit - 23608837

'[The lawyer] just stood there, staring': Dairy farmer gets revenge on big-shot lawyer for parking in his driveway

The story of the rural folks' stand against the ever-expanding metropolis and its unfriendly denizens, at this point, is almost mythology. And there's good reason behind that. The rural life paints pictures of warm, tilled-earth, dewy mornings bringing the smell of fresh, damp soil, friendly, tight-knit communities, and the down-to-earth, salt-of-the-earth people who inhabit them. Meanwhile, cities bring forth images of inorganic filth and a cacophony of unnatural sounds. Scores of people pass…
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petty revenge reddit tradesman handyman blue-collar tradie work working job site worker workers employee borrow karma instant payback

'Always happy to help a fellow tradesman– but not this guy': Lazy handyman won't move his car to assist a fellow contractor, gets denied a ladder loan that complicates his own job

If you scratch my back, I'll scratch your back. Handymen and tradesmen have been living by this law for centuries and it's arguably one of the few industries left that follows the old-school, handshake contract traditions. Through the uncommunicated secret bond of fellow tradesmen, most blue-collar guys would go out of their way to help a guy out with their project, simply because they know that the good karma will come back to them at some point.
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reddit petty petty-revenge revenge payback deserved karen karens karens-in-the-wild server restaurant service-industry customer-service customer price payback

'The look on her face was priceless': Karen tries to skim $0.30 off her order then gets charged an extra $100 after drawing attention to other errors on her receipt

Apparently some Karens can't do math
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landscaper revenge homeowner petty revenge lawn care customer service karens entitled parents karen-customer customers karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 23232005

'He was going to know that I hit every inch of his yard...': Lawn care worker gets back at a petty pedantic homeowner

The problem with working in a job where you're providing a professional service is that your clients will constantly tell you how to do your job even when they have no idea what they're talking about—no, especially when they have no idea what they're talking about. This intensifies when it comes to anything people regard themselves to be an expert in just because they've done it at the lowest level a few times in an everyday, unprofessional sense.
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pro revenge student petty-revenge-reddit students revenge revenge-stories group projects petty revenge group revenge-stories-reddit - 23330053

'I made her fail': Student tells of getting paired with her tormentor for a group project, makes sure she fails

There are definitely some (many) parables out there that teach us that we should always seek to rise above the actions of our tormenters, taking the high road and killing them with kindness rather than sinking to their level. Still, you'll often find that the reality in life is that this isn't always an option, and your tormenters won't give you any space to choose any other path than the one that has been provided to you. And, the one that has been provided to you (often of their own making) b…
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'PAY UR BILLS': Lawn care company gets even with neighbor who refused to pay for services rendered after six months, neighbor files police report

'PAY UR BILLS': Lawn care company gets even with neighbor who refused to pay for services rendered after six months, neighbor files police report

Entitled folks who seem addicted to neighborhood drama are likely to inevitably confront the limit of who they should start a flight with… We would like to think that every Karen in this world has this kind of comeuppance, but the truth is that many entitled neighbors get away with their behavior because no one has the bandwidth to call them out. Thankfully, here we have a lawn care company in which the owner decided that he did , in fact, have the bandwidth to stand up to this neighbor. The ne…
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family evicted mom drama son happy-ending heartwarming survivor kicked-out moving teenager reddit revenge petty-revenge pillow body-odor moving

'Kicking me out was the kindest thing she ever did': 18-year-old gets evicted by his deadbeat mom; gets petty payback with a stink-bomb and moves on to greener pastures

Cool guys don't look at explosions. They blow things up and they walk away. We've all had this notion cemented in our brains since we were allowed to watch our first action movie, dreaming of the day that we could be as cool as James Bond, The Rock, or Denzel Washington. Well, my friends, there are some rare moments when we get to be the ‘cool guy’ in our own life, walking away from a (hypothetical) explosion and into the hall of fame for epic victories.
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bad flight etiquette

'I got my space back': Flight passenger doesn't back down from level 10 manspreader, ruins his sneakers

Flight etiquette is seemingly something none of us can agree on. If you've ever flown in the Friendly Skies, then you know that it rarely goes smoothly. Unless you're in first class. Then you can probably disregard this. But otherwise, you're very aware of the inconveniences that come with flying in a fart tube including, attempting to fit your legs comfortably in the tightest spaces and then having them go numb halfway through the flight, silently fighting over the armrest, someone pulling out…
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'Don't fire me so you can hire your nephew': IT guy forced to train unqualified nepo baby to replace him, nephew tanks the company, boss gets fired

'Don't fire me so you can hire your nephew': IT guy forced to train unqualified nepo baby to replace him, nephew tanks the company, boss gets fired

If you feel taken for granted more than anyone else you know, you're probably the parent of a teenager or you work in IT. Even worse, you might be both. Now, I have never worked at a company big enough to have an official IT person, but I know how grateful my coworkers and I would be if we did. One has to wonder where this lack of proper gratitude comes from considering how lost we would be without the technologically competent folks in our lives and especially in our workplace environments. No…
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'It got worse when I left for college': Older Brother Gets Even With Younger Brother for Helping Himself to Things in His Room

'It got worse when I left for college': Older Brother Gets Even With Younger Brother for Helping Himself to Things in His Room

Siblings, you can't live with them, and you can't live without them. As a sister, I can attest to the various obstacles one might encounter when dealing with a sibling. I would never let anyone hurt my precious baby brother, but I do get a kick out of annoying the heck out of him. One person took some sweet revenge on his younger brother. The story begins with an account of a frustrated older brother who has reached his breaking point. The brother takes matters into his own hands and decides to…
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landlord stories landlord rental petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories tenant landlords petty revenge renting revenge-stories-reddit apartment - 23342085

'I planted them all over': Tenant gets back at bad landlord by planting bamboo around their apartment

If there's one thing that can wreck a homeowner's day, it's bamboo. I had a coworker way back who bought a house where—unbeknownst to him—the previous owner had planted bamboo next to the house alongside their deck. From the day I got to know him until the day I left that job, he was constantly battling that blasted plant, having to crawl in and under their low-lying deck structure to keep it from spreading and out of the foundations of the house. The bamboo was his nemesis, the Joker to his Ba…
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pro revenge parking space petty-revenge-reddit parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket revenge parking drama revenge-stories parking stories petty revenge revenge-stories-reddit - 23296517

'You abandoned your car on her property, talk to Granny': Old lady traps entitled parker's car in her deeded parking space that they kept stealing

It's an important lesson to learn early in life that the things that aren't yours—well, they aren't—and you have not a single darn right to them. Should you choose to help yourself to those things anyway, you'll soon find there are consequences, and these only get worse as you get older. If you help yourself to a candy bar at the grocery store, you'll be in for the humiliation of your young life when your parent makes you go back and tell the cashier what you've done but when you're a fully gro…
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