

fast-food food food-service service service-industry customer customer-service payback revenge petty reddit teen teenagers lesson

'It cost his parents £50... [so] he was in trouble': Fast food employee gets payback against a band of disrespectful teens by 'accidentally' throwing away a prized possession

Usually once you've worked in the service industry, you learn how to be a good customer. Oftentimes, you'll learn how to respect your server, clean up after yourself, and generally be a half-decent human being while you're enjoying food at a restaurant. You'd think that it would be a natural reflex to be polite to the person handling your food supply, but for the disrespectful types, tormenting your server is a prize-winning sport.
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terrible coworkers pro revenge petty-revenge-reddit revenge coworkers revenge-stories petty revenge coworker revenge-stories-reddit - 23132165

'[She was] charged with theft over $5000': Coworker frames worker for theft leading to loss of their job, worker gets her arrested

There's nothing worse than being blamed for something you didn't do, especially when you know who did do it but can't prove anything to defend yourself. This sinking feeling is one we have all probably felt at one point or another, like on the playground after some spoilt classmate framed us for their own misdeeds... No, Jared, I didn't throw that ball at the recess teacher, but you know very well who did.
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cyclist cycling bike bicycle prank pranksters gone-wrong life-lesson lessons london reddit revenge

'He was begging for mercy': Pranksters get 'uno-reversed' by a passing cyclist, getting the scare of a lifetime after throwing rocks at a him

Pranks can easily go too far when you're young and dumb. Spurred by the jests and jeers of their fellow kin, kids don't have the restraint to resist being little dirt bags. But how can we, as civilized citizens of the world, help teens and kids learn when they've gone too far with a prank? Scare them straight, of course.
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car cars police ticket driving traffic tickets highway driver merge reckless violation petty revenge reddit thread tow-truck tow towing emergency

'My truck's over 20,000 pounds... prepare for revenge': Reckless driver gets a $2,000 ticket after failing to let a tow truck merge

One of the first things you learn in driving school is how to merge. Shortly after you learn which pedals make the car go and which pedals make the car stop, you learn the tried-and-true method of merging, fondly called “The Zipper”. However, once we're released onto the roads of the real world, oftentimes, people forget the you-go-I-go flow of traffic, forgetting entirely how to merge like a civilized driver.
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pro revenge student university students malicious compliance revenge college student problems group projects petty revenge group college student - 22816261

'We knew we were playing with fire': Professors fail students, students tell dean, dean fails professors

There's always a bigger fish when it comes to the chain of command; if someone tells you they have the biggest and brassiest bells, you can almost guarantee they're still answering to someone whose bells are bigger and brassy-er. Still, people like to pretend that they're in charge and wield whatever power they have with impunity, and they certainly don't like being reminded that they do, in fact, answer to a higher power—especially when that reminder comes from some upstart students who are su…
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pro revenge hoa neighbors parking space parking lot malicious compliance parking ticket neighborhood revenge parking drama homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories parking stories petty revenge terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor police neighbor - 23160837

'That's gonna cost you': Spying neighbor calls police because of a few leaves, police threaten to tow his car instead

In life, it's not worth worrying about the little things, especially when there are much bigger things to worry about… Yet, each neighborhood somehow manages to have that one neighbor who has nothing important to worry about and spends their days obsessing over petty details and perceived slights, plotting about how they're going to hold their neighbors accountable for that single blade of grass that went unmowed, or that leaf that blew over the property line that one time three summers ago.
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'The place was THOROUGHLY infested': Landlord ignores tenant's roach infestation problem, tenant gets her fined 3x the amount she could have spent to fix it

'The place was THOROUGHLY infested': Landlord ignores tenant's roach infestation problem, tenant gets her fined 3x the amount she could have spent to fix it

Most landlords only consider temporary solutions without thinking about long-term consequences. Personally, I know the agonizing frustration of having a never-ending roach problem all too well. My first New York apartment was in an old building and by day two after my move-in, roaches started to show up. We got an exterminator, who did the bare minimum and nothing changed. We tried to talk to the landlord about it, but they just sent the same exterminator guy back, who this time informed us tha…
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pro revenge boss employee fired toxic-workplace manager malicious compliance terrible-bosses revenge work employer workplace reddit thread Reddit - 23113477

'Are you REALLY sure you want to do this?': Less than 3 weeks after being wrongfully fired, employer is forced to rehire employee at 6x his old rate

After a new management came and took over this OP's company, they immediately took a disliking to him. This man had been at the company for ages and trained most of the people there, so he had sort of gained a following at the company, although he wasn't a manager. He was also extremely good at what he did. He even had a side business that was going to allow him to retire early from this corporate job. However, after being wrongfully fired, he took legal action and ended up getting an insane de…
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landlord malicious compliance revenge tenant landlords petty revenge rent renting - 23090181

'You won't get inside': Tenant tricks landlord into getting stuck outside their own apartment after they demand viewings

One of the penultimate joys of renting a home is having random strangers traipsing through your house; it will happen on a near monthly basis during your tenancy—or on whatever duration for inspection is dictated in your agreement. Still, whenever this occurs, you'll feel like you've been transported into Shawshank Prison and are awaiting an inspection from a corrupt and hostile warden who may take issue unpredictably at any little thing. Sure, in most cases, the inspection isn't nearly so insi…
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pro revenge boss toxic-workplace manager petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories it programmers petty revenge IT guy managers Horrible Bosses Tech developers revenge-stories-reddit - 23052293

'You make $200 and hour?': Arrogant boss brags about making more than IT Guy, he quits and charges that as contract rate

While this story may not be as spicy as some of the other stories we've seen come out of this particular subreddit, without a doubt, it's a good bit of revenge against an arrogant employer that doesn't reek of an “and everybody clapped” sort of ending.
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clerk officer malicious compliance revenge malicious-compliance-reddit military Command military malicious compliance air force - 23070213

'Yes sir!': Enlisted clerk blamed by officer for another officer's error, gets revenge by following orders

People love having someone to blame, especially in a situation where something has gone wrong, and they're worried about the finger being pointed at themselves. Rather than taking that risk, they're more than happy to scapegoat someone directly beneath them who is going to find it challenging to stand up for themselves against them. As the saying goes… “Sludge” only flows in one direction—and that's downhill.
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getting fired pro revenge boss fired petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge Horrible Bosses workplace stories revenge-stories-reddit - 23089669

'I'll have your job by the end of the month': Corrupt advertising boss fires worker, worker takes boss's job

It's a tale as old as time but one we'll never get tired of… A corrupt leader attempts to abuse their power in order to remove a pesky rebel before the rebel turns the tables, exposing the leader's errant ways and taking their place.
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work workplace worker employee employees boss manager bosses ceo supervisor raise brag working wage money salary pay payday epic ultimatum petty revenge

'You'll need me... and when you [do] it'll cost you $200 an hour': Boss brags about his salary in front of a priceless IT tech; employee quits on the spot, agreeing to come back only if the boss pays him the same

Put your money where your mouth is.
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hoa neighbors terrible company malicious compliance neighborhood revenge homeowner neighborhood-drama neighborhood-stories Bad Neighbor neighbor - 23090437

'I acquired the rights to their leaves': Guy collects massive pile of leaves from neighbors to get back at collection company

It's fairly perplexing when a company is particularly bad at providing a service, especially when that company's sole purpose for existence is to provide that service. When you're a leaf collection company, that kind of implies that you're going to be collecting a lot of leaves, and it would be fair for people to expect you to be adept at doing so. Well, it turns out that while a lot of companies brand themselves as providing such-and-such service, really, their main priority isn't providing go…
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pro revenge landlord rental petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories tenant landlords petty revenge rent renting revenge-stories-reddit - 23032069

'[I] emailed them their arrest warrants': Landlord sues terrible tenants who destroyed their home

We talk a lot on here about terrible, predatory landlords, and that's only a small part of the constantly ongoing discourse on the topic around the wider internet. And, to be fair, they're an easy group to hate... There's a lot to be said about a group of wealthy investors who bank land and real estate, which pushes up prices for everyone else, who are then forced to rent and service the mortgages of the very same places they were priced out of in the first place, all the while contending with…
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staff boss workplace-stories employee pact toxic-workplace malicious compliance toxic revenge work coworkers Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit funny - 22999813

'The majority of the staff quit within months': Boss tries to make employees start work 20 minutes early, workers retaliate and make a pact to arrive early every shift and hang out together in their cars

Don't you just love a good coworker bond over a common hatred that you can just spend all shift gossiping with and feeling validated for it? Me too. Whether it's a boss, a coworker, sports, anything. Nothing beats those special bonds that make work a little less miserable. Well, in this story, these coworkers became besties over their shared hatred of their new boss.
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