

Autocowrecks: No me Gusta el Racismo

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Social Constructs 101: Why One Group of People is Subjectively Better Than the Other

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Via Alex Kerr

The Black One Was Doing 55 in a 54

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Teaching Kids About Racism Just Got Easier

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Fu Too, Name Police

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Via Imgur

Failbook: Stereotypes Party

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Via etarded

In some parts of the country that may actually be a selling point

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Poorly Dressed: What a nice wholesome...OH MY GOD

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Created by insectpins

Why would she wear a jacket indoors? It just makes no sense!

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Parenting Fails: Using your kids as pawns in your elaborate troll plot may not be the best thing for their self esteem

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Monday Thru Friday: I think they're kind of missing the point, but hey that's just me.

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Playground Chivalry

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Racism is never a good way to get returning customers

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Via Twitter

Hey, maybe those were their names? No? Ok so it was just racist.

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Via lolwhut

Because it's never too late to celebrate Nazi Halloween?

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