

'I want my bedroom painted blue, no matter what': Painting company finds workaround for customer who refuses to paint her house white

'I want my bedroom painted blue, no matter what': Painting company finds workaround for customer who refuses to paint her house white

There are some situations in life that require you to get something done now, no matter what the cost. Even if it seems ridiculous to you, sometimes you just absolutely have to get it done . Oftentimes, it's our bosses telling us things like this. You might know the feeling if you've ever been told to overnight a package, knowing it'll cost the company hundreds of dollars, or if you've ever had to work til the wee hours of the morning on a critical project due the next morning. Well, the rules…
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Homeowner gets even with HOA who demanded he remove his boat from driveway: 'I removed it, just like you asked'

Homeowner gets even with HOA who demanded he remove his boat from driveway: 'I removed it, just like you asked'

Your mailbox is a disgrace, and needs a fresh coat of paint, they said. Your flowerbeds are looking a little dull, get a gardener, they said. HOA likes to say a lot of things, and if you don't listen, well, you get fined. That's just how it is, and there isn't much you can do about it. The HOA members are always grumpy, miserable-looking people who have their noses high in the air and think that they're better than everyone else. They don't have much to be proud of in their life, so their lawn…
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'Time for malicious compliance?': New Florida resident rallies against strict HOA rules

'Time for malicious compliance?': New Florida resident rallies against strict HOA rules

The move to Florida is going to be a big change for this person. Using an apt username, u/firsthomeFL has a request for the good folks of Reddit: What's the best way to get on an HOA's nerves? Up next, this finance worker was advised to “ let the newbie fail ," after revealing that a new worker refuses to learn anything.
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'He agreed to buy me replacements... then backtracked': Brother refuses to cancel sibling's debt after his kids ruin expensive art supplies

'He agreed to buy me replacements... then backtracked': Brother refuses to cancel sibling's debt after his kids ruin expensive art supplies

These siblings were trying not to argue in front of the kids, but they just can't agree on who needs to repay who . Children will get into everything that they can. They don't always understand the concept of valuable items. They have no problem throwing food on the floor, breaking plates or vases, or keying your car, just to name a few examples. Their brains simply aren't developed enough to know why some things are more important to grown-ups than others. That's why it's usually the responsib…
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'[I was] following orders!': Son pranks Dad with malicious compliance, takes instructions too literally by wrapping gravel stones in masking tape

'[I was] following orders!': Son pranks Dad with malicious compliance, takes instructions too literally by wrapping gravel stones in masking tape

Thankfully, this family had enough of a sense of humor for this prank to be fodder for laughter down the road. Not every family member has the ability to laugh at some family business sabotage. Personally speaking, I know my family would not be laughing. I once did the classic clear wrap April Fools prank on my mother when I was a kid and she still hasn't forgiven me to this day. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/bigjoekennedy , who revealed that as a kid,…
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'This was a gift to myself': Woman lets her kids spill paint on her sister-in-law's expensive fabric, replaces it with cheap cloth as an apology

'This was a gift to myself': Woman lets her kids spill paint on her sister-in-law's expensive fabric, replaces it with cheap cloth as an apology

This SIL went out of her way to use the wrong “tablecloth.”
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'The landlord requested a new paint job': Sailors get back at landlord by painting his rental property from floor to roof

'The landlord requested a new paint job': Sailors get back at landlord by painting his rental property from floor to roof

This sailor is sticking to the honor code to help people in his community. Not everyone agrees with his hands-on methods, though. The people of the internet are divided over this guy's grandfather's story of malicious compliance. It's a classic tale of landlord versus tenant. Unless you live in a rent stabilized building, your landlord can charge you basically whatever they feel is fair for rent. This is a big problem these days, since many of us are priced out of living in even the most modest…
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'The painters asked multiple times if they were sure': Homeowner couple follow HOA rules by painting their house in bright neon shade

'The painters asked multiple times if they were sure': Homeowner couple follow HOA rules by painting their house in bright neon shade

This HOA member had a personal vendetta against her neighbors. It seems like this is one of those stories of neighbors who have bad blood. Oftentimes, a small issue will spark an argument that goes unresolved. Then, over years or even decades, a feud between neighbors begins until eventually they're nemeses. These fights can get so personal — because they're your neighbor, they probably know your work schedule, who you live with, and any number of other personal tidbits about your life. The sto…
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'Mozart on a go-kart': 20+ Ultra-specific, out of this world AI paintings

'Mozart on a go-kart': 20+ Ultra-specific, out of this world AI paintings

AI artwork has been around for a few years, but as technology improves, there's really no limit to the strange things folks can create on AI platforms. Whether it's Dall-E-2, Midjourney, or Stable Diffusion, each of these powerful artificial intelligence sites can create the craziest works of art as quickly as you can think it up. Mozart on a go-kart? Done. Mona Lisa but make her a Minion? Also done. Your mind is the limit with AI projects ! Check out some of the craziest art on the internet to…
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'You will NEVER complete a project with a single visit to a home store': Homeowner shares the unfortunate 'unwritten rules' of house ownership that no one talks about

'You will NEVER complete a project with a single visit to a home store': Homeowner shares the unfortunate 'unwritten rules' of house ownership that no one talks about

Homeowners had some sage advice to offer to the Reddit community about what it's like dealing with nosy neighbors, property issues, and going to the hardware store 857 times for a single project. For many people, switching from renting to owning a home can seem like a major upgrade . You have more space, maybe you have a lawn and some friendly neighbors , and you can have parties and barbecues whenever you feel like it. What's the catch? Well, owning a home means you have to care for the house…
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boss orders mural painted in rain, work is destroyed and employees leave

Manager Orders Muralists To Paint In The Rain, Destroys Work, Employees Leave Business Gutted

Good one dude.
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landlord tries evicting tenants, they win in court and paint all their walls black

Scum Lord Tries Evicting Tenants On False Evidence, They Get Revenge In Court and Paint

What a not great guy.
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Funny lazy "not my job" moments

25 "Not My Job" Moments of Radiant Unprofessionalism

Good work everyone.
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funny stories about the strangest colors people had to match at paint stores

The Weirdest Colors Paint Store Employees Had To Match

When someone walks in and wants a can of "leg."
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Karen customer wants vanity painted for cheap

Karen Doesn't Understand Why She Can't Buy Showpiece Or Why Work Costs Money

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Internet bands together to go full on painting-ception mode. | My mom painted this and said no one would like s her 2nd painting. | painted somebody's mom Inception

Internet Unites To Go Full On Painting-Ception Mode

Just a bit trippy.
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