
men vs women

Men vs women - the age old question, competition, and ultimate rivalry. Who is better? Who is superior? The answer is subjective and will never be answered, because everyone is special, unique, and better at something. That doesn't mean you can't laugh at people trying to prove it one way or the other though.

Bystander offers to change struggling woman's tire but she firmly refuses, he pettily changes his own tire in front of her and drives off: ‘So desperate for attention’

Bystander offers to change struggling woman's tire but she firmly refuses, he pettily changes his own tire in front of her and drives off: ‘So desperate for attention’

No is a full sentence. Even if you mean well and fully plan to help someone else, if they tell you 'no', you just have to respect them and accept it. The response to this Reddit story was split between people who judged the struggling driver's decision to decline the help she was offered, and people who thought this petty act of revenge was actually pretty stupid. So let's back up to explain it properly, and you can tell us who you think is wrong. This man, who is called Luigi in the story, was…
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Chaotic Messy Man Recounts the Horrors of His Bachelor Pad After Realizing the Simple 'Hacks' of His Genius Woman

‘I ain’t even own a washcloth before you'
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Tumblr user explains how women were portrayed through Shakespeare | penfairy Women have more power and agency Shakespeare's comedies than his tragedies, and usually there are more them with more speaking time, so l'm pretty sure Shakespeare's saying is "men ruin everything" because everyone fucking dies men are charge but women are charge get married and live happily ever after zetsubouloli think reading too far into things, kiddo. Take break women's studies major and get some fresh air.

Tumblr Thread: Women Should Rule The World

Shakespeare was on to something.
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Avocadon't Think You Can Get Outta This One

Via Tumblr

Women Never Say What They Actually Want

Via distinguishedbaloney

See you there? SEE YOU THERE?!

Via SamuroxX

It's Harder Than it Looks!

urinal bathroom men vs women - 8012092928
Created by beernbiccies

Making Your Own Perfect Woman


Boners Are WAY Weirder Than We Originally Thought

Via JoishneyPepperoni

Confirmation Bias is Always Right!

Via tculpepper

A Man-Centric Twitter Account Tried to Shame This Guy's Wedding Pics, and He Responds Perfectly

Via AdamHSays

Pause and Revel in the Tasty Irony

Via WaynesWorldReference
ouch russia Video men vs women - 71360001

This Woman Knocks Out Her Waiter Cold When he Tries to Get Frisky With Her

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How in the World is This Charmer Not Taken Already?

Via Lington

Praise be to Ottoman!

shopping funny men vs women - 7684156160

What if I Just Really Love Lavender? ANSWER ME, OLD SPICE.

Via Acid Cow
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