

'His face... was priceless': 15+ Times people's lies were immediately discovered

'His face... was priceless': 15+ Times liars got instantly humiliated

These people couldn't believe how perfectly things worked out when they caught liars in the middle of their lies. I mean, that just doesn't happen much in real life. Usually, if you're being lied to, you either find out much later, or not at all. Some folks are notorious liars who can't seem to help themselves. You've probably met this kind of person in your life at some point. Some of them fixate on their health---they'll constantly tell you about their very serious ailments. But the rumor mil…
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stories-from-home-owners firing liar on the job fired renovations home-owning lying liars home-owner-stories workers contractor blue collar home owner home construction workers - 20196357

'Call you as soon as I leave the ER': Contractor fakes injury using a photo from the internet to avoid working, gets fired

Contractors have a certain reputation, and while that might not be fair to all contractors and may have more to do with the complicated challenges of sourcing the correct materials in reasonable timeframes, this stereotype exists for a reason. Everyone has had that experience or knows someone who has had that experience with a contractor who repeatedly fails to meet deadlines, fails to communicate, and sometimes just plain fails to show up when everything is already ready to go. Some contractor…
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'[She] started poking me directly in my neck, SCREAMING': Entitled Karen  fakes a gluten allergy, demands special treatment, then aggressively pokes server when she doesn't get her way

'[She] started poking me directly in my neck, SCREAMING': Entitled Karen fakes a gluten allergy, demands special treatment, then aggressively pokes server when she doesn't get her way

Working at a restaurant as a server on a busy night makes you rethink your life choices. Not only do you run about 15 miles back-and-fourth over the curse of the night, endlessly going from the hostess stand to the kitchen, but you're almost always treated poorly by the customers, the kitchen is raging with stress, and nobody is happy. To put it lightly, it's a war zone. One depraved server experienced the worst of the worst one evening when his restaurant was not only slammed with giant groups…
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work-story workplace-stories workplace-story work customers client petty revenge liars petty workplace employment - 19758341

'I knew he was lying': Scamming client claims locksmith broke their car defroster, locksmith gets drawn-out revenge

It's incredibly frustrating to be blamed for something you didn't do, especially when the person blaming you knows fully well that you didn't do it and is taking advantage of your inability to prove otherwise. It's often said that “There are two sides to every story, and the truth lies somewhere in the middle.” but that's just blatantly untrue on account of a little thing called lying . That entire adage relies on the fact that both people are honest about their experiences and perspectives. Im…
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'Sure, I'll subscribe. My phone's battery is very low, can you call me back on my work number? ' : Man outwits spam callers, they end up donating to charity

'Sure, I'll subscribe. My phone's battery is very low, can you call me back on my work number? ' : Man outwits spam callers, they end up donating to charity

Everyone hates scams, in all their ugly forms, and that includes those pesky spam phone calls from ‘unknown’ numbers that provide that all too familiar shady feeling in your stomach. Sometimes curiosity might get the better of you, so you pick up, and hear that convincing tone saying, ‘Can you hear me?’. After which you reply, ‘Yes’, they immediately launch into their race of a conversation.
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FAILS quit your bullshit wtf liar justice satisfying FAIL liars roasted funny called out - 19449349

20+ Liars who got called out and roasted for lying online (February 22, 2023)

These days everyone wants to be an influencer… chasing clout and fake internet points in order to feel that success they were taught to crave—to feel something, anything really. We're a society of individualists who are seeking to distinguish ourselves by proving to the rest of the world that we're better than everyone else and have something unique to offer in a space that's constantly drowning in the noise of every single person trying to do that exact same thing, giving their reaction to eve…
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quit your bullshit scammer liar internet liars the internet roast scam Reddit roasted - 17743877

The Top 10 Liars of the Week Getting Roasted Online

These liars got put in their place for making wildly inaccurate claims online.
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satisfying times liars got called out

Liars Getting Triumphantly Called On Their Ridiculous BS

Why do they even bother?
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Liar says that automotive locksmith broke his car's rear defroster, and petty revenge ensues | reddit post r/pettyrevenge SumoNinja17 Lie get back my $75.00, watch walk customers away business years! Many moons ago did automotive locksmith work usually cars were impounded, repoed or people lost their keys. l'd make my rounds once or twice week storage lots and there would be list waiting

Liar Says Automotive Locksmith Broke His Car's Rear Defroster

The customer's lies cost him a lot more than $75.
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A collection of times that people tried to lie online and got called out for it. | do not have facebook never have. So do loose 's up Get telegram commenting Facebook account. Google does same Doesn't Having an Google on my phone tracks my destinations, has access all my contacts and pictures Tracks my searches. Ect ect | MPJ O @MikePitt_Jr did say thisO get paid play football not dance. Don't believe everything see on internet. Might be fight this weekend. Michael Pittman Indy said he's going

Lousy Liars That Can Take Their Lies Elsewhere

We're not buying any of their lies.
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times people made up cringeworthy lies | An impatient lady behind at Chick-Fil- very rudely and assertively insulted staff and cashiers on slow taking her order be brought out believe her words were "Seriously, l've been waiting five minutes my order, and all ordered chicken sandwich So and my very large mouth decided respond this lady. With quite clarity and purpose turned around and said 16 Children Die Every 30 seconds starvation around world. So Mam believe can survive waiting couple minute

Cringeworthy Times People Made Up Ridiculous Lies

Wow, these folks get so many applause breaks.
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A collection of times that people got called out for telling lies on the internet | 1 review 3 months ago worst nightclub London. RUN AWAY nightclub does not deserve even star put out no reason after spending 100 their club manager is catastophic and uncompromising only screams and insults tourists like us. My worst experience lived all my life. Do not go there or will be disappointed ever (Owner) 3 months ago

Lazy, Shady, And Lame Liars Getting Outed Online

They need to quit all the lying like yesterday.
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A collection of times that liars got called out on social media | One my homegirls painted this Dang am soooo fine Be great homegirl must be an expert at filtering | Customer service terrible went there today but guy serving started complaining cause wanted refund, and thats just not an employee should be acting Response owner 2 weeks ago bought figures and then 3 weeks later wanted return them because needed money back refunded figures even though didn't have

Liars That Tried To Lie And Failed Miserably

These liars need to give it a permanent rest.
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Dumb people who brag about how smart they think they are | Skewed and Inaccurate test' is GEARED entirely towards right- brain activity and, so, is skewed and inaccurate. Having taken hundreds IQ tests my life (not mention holding multiple Post-Graduate technical degrees with GPAS 3.5 or better first which achieved at age 21 am well-aware my IQ which is significantly above average so-called 'test' put is generally considered be mentally challenged' range. Maybe better re-think test.

Laughable People Who Think They're Brilliant

Make way for the large-brained.
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A collection of times that liars got called out for lying | Saturday, June 13, 2020 wanna Buy"Gameboy Advance Pokemon Leaf Hreen still available? 3:57 PM Yes 's still available 3:57 PM Can send code 3:57 PM Code? 3:58 PM Bookmarked here unread messages

Laughable Lying Liars That Got Called Out

Love a good call out.
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A collection of times that people got called out for lying online | love food here but not tonight had awesome asparagus till tonight out date asparagus. Told manager and he argued with Who does am manager at hair alon. Customer is always right no matter Like Response owner 6 months ago Our asparagus is brought fresh daily KNOW food excellent wrote this because were caught walking tab (literally snuck out back door) without paying bill | My landlord wants play but he picked wrong tenant IS RESPO

Lousy Liars That Got Called Out Online

Enough with all the lies.
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