

karens and entitled people

Entitled People and Total Karens Who Graced The World With Their Audacious Behavior

At least it's not boring.
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scary weird and creepy warning signs

Ominous Signs That Pump Up The Creepiness

Uh, thanks sign?
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stories of people's bad neighbors

People Share Stories Of Their Nightmare Neighbors

Very cool, guys
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times people knew they screwed up

Moments That People Realized They Had Screwed Up

Oh no.
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Minecraft player destroys kid's diamonds for no reason

Minecraft Player Reveals Their Most Vile, Underhanded Act

Our faith in humanity was dug up and then buried deeper.
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failure chaos and misfortune

Unpredictable Moments Of Failure And Chaos

The world is a mess.
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red flags in social situations

Red Flags To Look Out For In People

Gotta keep that head on a swivel.
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dumb ways falsely accused of cheating stories

Dumb Ways People Got Falsely Accused Of Cheating

Nice detective work.
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terrible guests horrible wtf house selfish ridiculous entitled funny weird - 16295941

Absurdly Rude Guests That Made Themselves Far Too Comfortable

We all (mostly) try to be good hosts when we have guests, but sometimes our hospitality can be taken advantage of by guests who seem to forget that they aren't at their own house. This led u/ Mr_Yus_uwu to ask the question: "What was the worst thing your guest did when they took "Make yourself at home" very literally? The results were as surprising as they were unsurprising. That means to say, people can be pretty terrible houseguests in wildly unpredictable ways. It's not unheard of to have a…
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stories of the worst food people tasted | stephacharlotte 1.6k points 5 days ago Hot dog soup. My dad rehab/assisted living facility. He had both and my sister taste were all super grossed out def hot dogs, with chunks, but also with pureed hot dogs base.

The Worst Foods People Have Eaten

Sometimes it's worth a shot.
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design fail horrible wtf stairs construction uncomfortable weird - 16245253

Cursed And Flawed Stairs That Are Up To Something

That's a lie. A lot of these stairs go nowhere at all. And that makes them even worse. Some of them are invisible. Some of them are irregular. Some of them are just awful. What can we do about stairs that go nowhere or are considered too perilously uncomfortable to use? Well, we can stare at them. Here are some rooms with bad vibes.
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creepy, cursed, weird wtf images

Cursed, Creepy and Weird Images From The Abyss

The abyss is the internet.
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funny memes about school

School Memes For The Mostly Educated

This will be on the test.
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entitled people and their demands

Entitled People Who Made People's Lives Definitively Worse

Why are people like this?
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terrible horrible wtf facts disturbing creepy dark awful - 16170501

Creepy Facts To Help Keep Everyone Up At Night

If anyone needed a reason to lie silently in bed with their eyes open, consider “the heat death of the universe” or “Victorian Brits ate all the mummies” as decent insomnia fodder. The universe we live in is plagued with injustice, cruelty and gross realities, but hey, some of them are kind of cool to know. So here's some stuff to alienate your family at dinner. Here are some more freaky facts to feel weird about.
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safety fails that violate OSHA rules

Misguided Safety Failures That OSHA Would Disapprove Of

Life is about risks, or something.
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