

news story about a metal monolith installed in Utah

Someone Placed a Mystery Metal Monolith In Utah

Pretty on brand for 2020.
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A collection of the creepiest things that night time workers ever witnessed | Xanghanistan 2d Worked as office cleaner before covid, 11-7am as 1- man team. One stormy ass night on phone while working my connection started fade and out All sudden there is just deafeningly loud shriek coming out my phone and power goes out. Even emergency lights remember looking out window 10th and seeing whole industrial park black. Nights make everything creepy

Freakiest Stuff Night Time Workers Witnessed

Hard pass on the graveyard shifts.
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A collection of cursed Furbys that are waking nightmares | shrimp like furby with a fish tail | creepy Furby with Barbie doll hands and legs

Cursed Furbies That Are Literal Abominations

So much nope that it's off the charts.
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A creepy Tumblr post about a house guest discovering a hidden staircase | stephrc79 So l'm staying at friend's house Boston And their guest room is door. There are STAIRS closet! Now where do those stairs go may ask?

Tumblr Post: House Guest Discovers Secret Staircase

Good old Boston architecture.
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Truck drivers share some of their creepiest experiences from time out on the road | I had driven maybe 30 miles out into the farm land when hail started bouncing off my truck, being a MS native I knew in July hail meant tornado. I pull off to the side (I'm in the middle of no where no lights to be seen no cars behind or infront of me) and start looking for the storm/ tornado I believe is approaching. I rolled the passenger window down and shined a bright flashlight off into the night. Nothing

Truck Drivers' Spookiest Experiences

Best to read with the lights on.
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Midnight shift workers describe their spookiest experiences | chevy1500 9h like watch horror movies while doing midnights and while watching ring phone movie rings at exact same time my fax machine phone rings answer and nothing few secs. And get normal work fax lol, but still freaked out. Reply

Midnight Shift Workers' Spookiest Experiences

The world's brimming with unexplainable horrors.
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A collection of the strangest things that sailors have seen out at sea | gozba 7h dolphin swimming with sponge his mouth crew member with asked if knew why dolphin has sponge his mouth didn't know course. He said because dolphins have no hands.

Strangest Things Sailors Have Seen At Sea

Dolphins are amazing.
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quitting, frustrating and creepy quitting stories | cyainanotherlifebro 26.0k points 4 days ago edited 4 days ago S hired as temp, on day 91 told 2 they fact didn't have hire after 90 days and they were gonna keep on as temp clocked out lunch and never went back

People's "Screw This, I'm Out" Moments

When enough is enough.
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A funny Tumblr post about how nature can end up being very frightening | inconsequential S linesofreturninggeese Follow just-shower-thoughts Follow Building treehouse is biggest insult tree killed friend, here hold him mojave-wasteland-official "Friend" Its more killed potential enemy. Hold his dismembered corpse victory. theun--sj Follow Plants don't wage war

Tumblr Thread: Kudzu Is A Scary Monster Plant

Dang nature, you creepy.
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People describe their paranormal experiences in an AskReddit thread | habitualinesteppa 16h Felt really uneasy one night so went downstairs sleep instead my room next day everyone my family said they saw an ominous orb light floating around.

People Describe Their Paranormal Experiences

The world's brimming with unexplainable spookiness.
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People describe some of the most supernatural experiences that they'e ever had | VerityPushpram 12d January 1 2003 stretch road between 2 coastal towns Australia dark and stormy, reall Driving along with my partner noticed car coming up behind us, travelling fast single lane road so couldn't move over said my partner "This guy is hurry, let him overtake My partner agreed and he moved left as soon as there an overtaking lane car pulled up beside us and then disappeared. There nowhere

Most Supernatural Experiences People Had

Maybe aliens are gonna say hey soon.
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Weird and funny things people said in their sleep | burgervann 31.1k points 3 days ago O 2 8 2 13 More my boyfriend once blurted out putting BREAD my ears his sleep, mumbled something unintelligible and then followed up with "and becoming SANDWICH still makes laugh whenever remember

Alarming and Humorous Junk said by Sleep Talkers

Results may vary.
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Tumblr thread investigates disappearance of Lyman, John's old roommate in Garfield | List Did hear Something happened kitchen! Chooalate Covered Denits Sown Coc BOnuts Bhueberny Muffins Chocolate Chip Muffins l ChaMe Donts popular 90s Garfield flash game Garfield's Spooky Scavenger Hunt which can find Lyman chained up basement as hidden eastern egg. He begs Garfield give him some muffins eat, then disappears after leave room and come back. Garfield Lore is pretty messed up dig around. mousathe14

Tumblr Thread: The Creepy Disappearance of Jon's Roommate in Garfield

They could have just dropped it but no.
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Scary diving stories | Specialist_Celery 36.2k points 13 hours ago E 8 4 6 22 More Diving day before hurricane on small south pacific island. Out nowhere black and white sea snake (venomous) wrapped itself around my arm. Apparently this happens time time before major storms- they can sense and look things are heading towards shore so they don't have put so much effort get out sea. As soon as shallows uncurled and headed up beach where hid under breadfruit tree thought going get bitten death by

Scary Things that Happened to Divers

Diving can get serious fast.
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Tumblr story of a professor who had a creepy close call | kvinnfolk wanna hear wild story? my brother's history professor is closing on 80 and basically lives at university. one night my brother visited him meeting, and came up my brother gonna be performing as court jester at castle following day. and his professor busts out ah reminds my youth he then proceeded tell tale he and his friends went backpacking greece back their early 20s. then one day they found themselves completely penniless. so

Professor's Greek Beach Tale is a Crazy Close Call

Not sure how relatable the moral is here.
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Tumblr thread on the cursed Doctor Who robot prop | titleknown Again, this is even funnier if know fucking production nightmare, with possible curse attached no less, this robot prop Doctor Who crew bogleech want know about cursed robot choppers-top-hat So robot isn't guy suit s an animatronic/puppet thing, and wasn't built show fact, no one knows who built one producers just FOUND ONE DAY building near studio had apparently been built another production cancelled and then just left gather dust.

Tumblr Thread: The Curse of The Doctor Who Robot Prop

Something ain't right with that thing.
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